In Hinduism, it is believed that material existence pollutes the soul, causes it suffering. The Vedic scriptures promise spiritual upliftment and purification while observing religious principles. Ekadashi days are considered to be the best days.

In Sanskrit, eka means one and dashi ten. That is, Ekadash is the eleventh day of each lunar month in the Hindu calendar after the full moon and new moon.
The days of Ekadashi are considered to be the most suitable days for austerity. Observance of Ekadashi is prescribed in the Vedic scriptures not only for purifying the body in a physical sense, but especially for spiritual elevation.
Yogini Ekadashi - Ekadashi of the dark part of the month of Ashadha - June 15th. This Ekadashi frees people from all sins of the material world and bestows liberation for the transition to the spiritual world, is the main of all the sacred days of fasting in all Hindu religions. Fasting on Yogini Ekadashi is very powerful and auspicious. One who fasts on this particular Ekadashi will be freed from the reactions of all past sins. The merit obtained from observing Yogini Ekadashi is comparable to that obtained from a pilgrimage during a solar or lunar eclipse to the holy place of Kurukshetra.
In order to observe Ekadashi, it is advisable to completely give up food and drink. If such fasting is not possible, you should refrain from eating grains and legumes, spinach, honey, eggplant and sea salt. But table salt is acceptable. It is recommended to eat only once a day, at nakta, as the evening meal is called. You can eat fruits, water, dairy products, sugar, and vegetables other than beets. You can't eat mushrooms. Bronze dishes are not placed on the table on Ekadashi days. Better to refrain from eating in someone else's house.
To achieve spiritual good while fasting, one should give up daytime sleep, shaving, and rubbing with oil. You cannot communicate with drunkards, laundresses and weavers.
One who is unable to fast because of illness or old age can read and hear about the meaning of Ekadashi. You can donate something especially to a spiritual person.