Ekadashi is the eleventh day after the new moon and full moon in the Hindu calendar. Ekadashi days are especially auspicious for fasting. The Ekadashi calendar indicates all important days, and they are given their own names. Parama Ekadashi in 2012 falls on September 12th.

According to the ancient Vedas, one who takes human birth, but does not celebrate Parama Ekadashi, commits suicide and is doomed to further rebirth and suffering. On the other hand, the right attitude towards Parama Ekadashi and the fulfillment of the prescriptions for that day gives benefits that cannot be calculated.
The lack of prosperity in the present life suggests that in the past a person did not give alms, did not donate anything to other people. No effort will help to rectify the situation, the only option is to celebrate Parama Ekadashi - on this day a person can be purified from all sins and receive (deserve) everything necessary for life. In addition, the observance of all the rules of Parama Ekadashi brings final liberation, leading a person out of the series of rebirths.
Tradition establishes a strict sacred fast on this day. It is he who destroys all sins, frees from poverty and disease. It is best to completely abstain from food and drink, but those who, for various reasons, cannot do this, are instructed to eat once a day, without fail excluding legumes from the diet. Also, do not eat honey, spinach, eggplant.
It should be borne in mind that the onset and end of Parama Ekadashi is strictly tied to the lunar cycles, therefore, the dates of the holiday will differ in different time zones. For fasting on this day to bring the expected benefits, it is necessary to accurately count the time. There are special computer programs for calculating the timing of Ekadashi, they can be found on the Internet.
At night, with proper observance of all the principles of the holiday, you cannot sleep, this time is devoted to prayers. By chanting the names of the Lord and performing ritual dances, one is best freed from sins.
It is very important to exit the post correctly. The exit takes place in the morning of the next day after sunrise. If this moment is missed, Parama Ekadashi will not be observed. Fasting is interrupted by eating any grain - that is, the food that was strictly forbidden.