Easter Traditions Around The World

Easter Traditions Around The World
Easter Traditions Around The World

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On the great holiday of Holy Easter in Russia, Easter cakes are traditionally baked and eggs are painted. On Easter, it is customary to visit and give each other colored eggs with the words: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly resurrected!" and kiss three times. This tradition is considered Slavic, because other peoples do not have such a tradition. What Easter traditions exist in other countries?

colored eggs
colored eggs


Step 1

In Poland, Easter Monday is celebrated with the tradition of pouring water on each other. Water is a symbol of purification and rebirth. Legend has it that the girl who is the wettest will get married before anyone else.


Step 2

In France, a giant omelet of more than 4,500 eggs is served every year on the main square of the city of Bessières and in several other small towns. It is said that when Napoleon and his army were passing through the south of France, they stopped in a small town and were treated to an omelet. Napoleon liked him so much that he ordered the townspeople to collect eggs and make a giant omelet for his army the next day.


Step 3

In Finland, children dress up as beggars and beg in the streets. In parts of Western Finland, bonfires are burned on Easter Sunday, scaring away witches who allegedly fly around.


Step 4

On the morning of Holy Saturday, an interesting tradition takes place in Greece when earthenware is thrown out of the windows. Some believe that throwing pots symbolizes the arrival of spring, others that release from problems.


Step 5

In Rome on Good Friday, the Pope leads the procession at the Colosseum. A huge cross with burning torches illuminates the sky. On the evenings of Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, thousands of visitors gather in St. Peter's Square to listen to the Pope's festive Easter Mass and receive a blessing from the church.


Step 6

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, on Easter Monday, it is customary for men to spank women with a whip made of willow branches decorated with ribbons. According to legend, in this way the willow transfers its vitality and fertility to the woman.


Step 7

In Bermuda, Easter is celebrated by flying kites on Good Friday, which symbolize the ascension of Christ to heaven.


Step 8

In Hungary on Easter Monday, young guys playfully spray perfume on girls and ask them to kiss.


Step 9

In Sweden, before Easter, young people and children dress up as witches and ask for food from passers-by on the street.


Step 10

Easter in Germany is a big holiday. Celebrating Easter and the arrival of spring, German citizens do their best to decorate their cities. The trees are full of brightly colored eggs and spring flowers.
