The Baptism of the Lord is one of the oldest Christian holidays, in Russia it is celebrated on the night of January 18-19. According to the Gospel, on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River, he was then 30. Also, this holiday is called the Epiphany, since the Holy Trinity appeared to the world.

Christmas Eve
The Baptism of the Lord in the Orthodox Church is celebrated almost as splendidly as Christmas, the services in the church are very similar. The closest Sunday before the holiday is called the Week before the Enlightenment, on this day mass baptisms are performed, this is one of the most suitable days for this. After January 7, the so-called Christmastide comes, these are days of revelry of unclean forces, when various fortune-telling and carols are especially popular.
January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve, this is the day of strict fasting and restraint. Fasting is held all day, until the first star. In the evening the whole family sit down for a modest meal. The Orthodox have only lean food on the table: kutia, oatmeal jelly, legumes, bread products, dry fruits, nuts. Among the Old Slavonic customs, invitations to the table of a wolf, bird or other animals, a special candle for the dead, and treating departed souls with various dishes are interesting.
It was believed that on this night the unclean forces and souls of the dead are next to the living, so young boys and girls traditionally gather for evenings with fortune-telling, Christmas songs and other entertainments.
Holy Baptism of the Lord
Services are held in the church on the night of January 19, the water in reservoirs and reservoirs is illuminated. If possible, the service also takes place on the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds - it is believed that such water acquires healing properties. Water should be collected for future use, it can be used to illuminate the home, to be treated for various ailments throughout the year. Even the snow of Christmas Eve is curative, if you rub it after the bath all year round you will not get sick.
On frozen ponds and rivers, water is illuminated in specially cut ice-holes, which are called Jordan, in honor of the river in which Jesus was baptized. Despite the severe frosts that usually fall on Epiphany, there are many who want to plunge into the holy water. I must say that swimming in an ice-hole is considered completely voluntary, and the same effect can be achieved simply by wiping with water at home. At those ice holes, next to which the service is officially held, rescuers and emergency doctors are always on duty.
On the morning after Epiphany, Orthodox Christians go to church for mass, when the water in special tanks is illuminated. This is followed by a festive meal, when any dishes are allowed - cereals, ruddy pancakes with butter, jellied meat, borscht and stews, smoked pork and sausages. Each nation has its own customs and national dishes, for example, in order to have money, square pancakes can be served on the table.