Celebration of Heaven in China is also called the Day of Worship to the patron saint of worms and insects. It is celebrated annually on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. Celebrating Heaven is one of the ancient Chinese traditions that have survived to this day.

Celebration of Heaven is a numerologically significant holiday, since it is directly related to the number 6. This number in Eastern astrology symbolizes the elements of the earth, hard but fruitful work of a peasant, prosperity and happiness. In addition, as the cult of the sky has been the main one in China for many centuries, so the number 6 is considered central in eastern numerology.
On the day of the Celebration of Heaven, the Chinese pray to the gods not to send harmful insects that destroy crops and harm people and pets. To get rid of pests, the Chinese on this day in the morning for several hours thoroughly clean their homes, barns and utility rooms, wash clothes, fumigate all things with special incense, wash their pets and bathe themselves. It is believed that this will help exterminate harmful insects or drive them out of the home.
At the same time, on the day of the Celebration of Heaven, the Chinese ask the gods for beneficial insects to bring them more income. This is especially true for silkworms. To support their prayers, people decorate their homes with a variety of silk products. They are believed to make prayers much more effective. To win the favor of the gods, the Chinese also make symbolic sacrifices. In particular, they burn paper and special incense.
Traditionally, on this day, after the end of a thorough cleaning, the whole family gathers at the table. A special ritual dinner is held, during which dumplings prepared according to a special recipe are served. Wealthy people also slaughter livestock and prepare fresh meat for lunch. It is important to keep in mind that killing animals is not a sacrifice, since the Chinese believe that the God of Heaven, the most revered of all the gods of this country, is merciful and does not require blood.