Each country has its own ancient beliefs and customs, which are different even from those observed by the nearest neighbors. This rule also applies to such a wonderful holiday as Valentine's Day. The traditional date of February 14 is not celebrated in China. This nation has a different day and month.

Eastern peoples have many unusual and original holidays that they inherited from their ancestors. They are usually associated with traditions, customs and rituals dating back hundreds of years. Qi Xi is one such holiday; it has its own rich historical and cultural tradition. It is celebrated every year on different days, as it is calculated anew in strict accordance with the traditional lunar calendar.
In the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month according to the lunar calendar, China celebrates the wonderful holiday of Qi Xi or Valentine's Day. Also this day is called “Double Seven”. The Chinese have a very beautiful and sad legend associated with this day.
Once upon a time there lived a Heavenly Emperor, whose youngest daughter, nicknamed the Weaver for her ability to weave colored fabrics, loved to observe people on earth. And one day she saw a shepherd grazing a talking cow, and she immediately liked him.
In total, the Heavenly Emperor had 7 daughters, who had a custom: on the 7th of the 7th month to descend from heaven to swim in a magic lake. And once a talking cow persuaded the shepherd to steal the clothes of one of them and, when the girl came out of the lake, would not give it back until she agreed to marry him. This girl turned out to be the Weaver.
The shepherd and the daughter of the emperor got married, and in a happy marriage they had two children: a son and a daughter. But exactly 7 years later, the Heavenly Emperor demanded that the faithful servants return his youngest daughter back.
The weaver was taken away and turned on the way back to heaven against her will, and the shepherd, taking both children, on a flying ship rushed in pursuit of his beloved. Unable to withstand the crying and screams of the children and her husband, in the middle of the way the girl broke free from the hands of the servants loyal to her father and rushed back. The heavenly emperor, watching this, paved the milky way between his daughter and the ship. But, unable to withstand the suffering of the Weaver, he decided to allow them to meet once every 7 days and instructed to convey his will to the magpie. The bird mixed everything up, and the lovers could meet only once a year - on the 7th of the 7th month. They crossed to each other across the bridge of their forty tails, but this was possible only in clear weather. If the night was rainy, then they could not find a bridge across the Milky Way among the clouds. Then they cried bitterly, and the raindrops that fell to the ground were considered the tears of lovers.
It is customary to prepare for the Qi Xi holiday in advance. On this day, noisy festivities and fairs are held everywhere. Chinese youth are very fond of this romantic holiday and pin their hopes for the future. On this day, traditional fortune-telling and predictions, as well as making wishes, are widespread.
During the celebration of Qi Xi, it is customary to wish family well-being and give flowers, small souvenirs and gifts to loved ones. Also on this day, very often young people confess to each other their feelings and sympathies.
Fortune telling on Vega is one of the most common. When a star rises, the girls put a needle on the water, and therefore, how it behaves - whether it drowns or not - they draw conclusions about a meeting with their betrothed. Also, young Chinese women this evening ask for advice from the Weaver; if on the day of Qi Xi a girl manages to thread 7 needles of colored threads, then she will have good luck in life.
Many people watch the sky this evening. If you manage to see a shooting star and have time to make a wish, then it will certainly come true. If it was possible to see a star falling at midnight, then it was believed that it was the Shepherd who was crossing the Milky Way over the bridge to his beloved. Great luck awaited the person who saw this.
Older men and women turn to heaven with pleas and pleas for well-being, health, happiness or good fortune for their family, but only for one thing that is most important at the moment. After the prayer, it was necessary to bow to heaven 7 times, and at the end of the ceremony, objects made of paper and silk cords were thrown onto the roof - talismans, which were customary to be worn on children during the summer holidays. These cords represented the Magpie Tail.
Also, the tradition of planting a spider in a box has been preserved to this day. And leave it overnight. If in the morning the one who left the box found in it a piece of woven cobweb, then the whole year he was in for good luck.
During the Qi Xi celebration, special festive dishes are served on the table. Each region of China has its own menu, but the basis is always made up of dumplings, halva and noodles.
In ancient times, the Qi Xi holiday was filled with customs and traditions, but over time it has lost its primary meaning. Only a few remote villages have preserved traditional rituals. In the rest of China, the Day of the Double Seven has become just a holiday with festivities and a lot of tourists.
In 2006, Qi Xi was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List. And the Japanese have borrowed the tradition of Qi Xi, and now they celebrate the holiday in their country with the Tanabata festival.
In 2019, according to the lunar calendar, the Qi Xi holiday falls on August 2.