Someone loves Valentine's Day even more than the New Year, and someone, in principle, does not celebrate it, not counting it as a holiday as such. But at the same time, almost everyone knows about this holiday. Signs of attention, flowers, cute gifts for Valentine's Day, sweets and flowers - all this with trepidation, many prepare for their loved ones. But not everyone knows about how Valentine's Day came about, and there is both the main version of the holiday, and alternative ones.

The main version of the emergence of Valentine's Day
Today, the most popular version of the history of the emergence of Valentine's Day is considered to be the secret wedding of lovers by a priest. In the third century BC, the Roman emperor Claudius II was known as an opponent of marriage alliances. He perceived marriage ties as a hindrance, in his opinion the legionnaires should be free, then it would be possible to conquer the lands and implement all plans to seize territories!
But Valentine, despite the ban, continued to marry lovers. For disobedience, he was thrown into prison, and a little later, he was completely doomed to death. Sitting in a cell awaiting execution, he communicated with the help of notes with his beloved, he signed them "from Valentine." This version of the emergence of Valentine's Day is considered the most believable. That is why cards for Valentine's Day are now very common, which received a short name - valentines.
Alternative versions of the emergence of Valentine's Day
The alternative version is based on the main one, but is more unrealistic. So, already familiar to everyone, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of the head of the prison, in which he was imprisoned for violating the ban of the Roman emperor. The girl's name was Julia, she was blind. The day before the execution, Valentine sent the girl a letter with a yellow saffron embedded in it. The girl received the message, took out the saffron and was instantly healed! As they say, love works wonders!
It is worth noting that several saints are known to the world under the name Valentine. One was executed in 269 (he was just a Roman priest). The Bishop of Interamna was also a famous Valentine at one time - he healed people, he was executed because he converted a young man to Christianity - the son of the mayor.
And according to another version, Valentine's Day arose even later - during the times of paganism. According to this version, this holiday was the holiday of Lupercalia - the day was dedicated to the patron god of Faun's flocks, it was a day of outright eroticism. On that day, people wrote notes and put them in a large vessel - the girls wrote to the guys. Whose note will the guy get, he should look after that girl for the whole holiday.
In general, there are plenty of versions of the appearance of Valentine's Day - decide for yourself which is preferable for you. At the same time, you should not ignore such a wonderful holiday, because this is another reason to please your soul mate with valentines, souvenirs and cute little things!