You have probably heard of such a famous holiday as Cavalcata Sarda, which is celebrated annually in Sardinia, the capital of the Italian island. This is a rather colorful and spectacular event, where a huge number of people gather.

Sarda cavalcata is celebrated in the famous Italian city of Sassari on the penultimate Sunday of May. It is attended by foot and horse columns. Thanks to this fun event, travelers, residents and guests of the city can get acquainted with all the traditions and characteristics of the various regions of the island of Sardinia.
For the first time this holiday was held in 1899 in honor of the arrival of King Umberto and his wife to the island of Sardinia. Then about three thousand people took part in the Cavalcata Sarda. Since 1951, the holiday has been considered a traditional folk festival, which attracts a huge number of tourists to see. A special feature is the traditional folk costumes, which the participants of this event wear and demonstrate.
During the holiday, comedians and stunts perform, show tricks and other performances. A little later, in the evening, Sardinian music begins to sound for everyone present, and competitions are held among the dancers. This all continues until the early morning, so the Cavalcata Sarda is considered a large-scale and spectacular event.
The Cavalcata Sarda, however, like other festivals in Sardinia, presents a chic and exciting program with folklore performances and performances, concerts, songs and traditional dances. Participants in national costumes make up a solemn procession of pedestrian and horse columns, decorated with flowers and marching to the place of the festival. There, it is supposed to refresh yourself with cooked local dishes, and after a delicious lunch, competitions among equestrians begin, where strong men perform amazing tricks. By the way, every year the place of the Cavalcata celebration is changed by the decision of the local authorities. It can be a hippodrome, a stadium or the central part of the city of Sardinia.
The Cavalcata Sarda is a true folk festival that reflects the history, traditions and culture of the island of Sardinia. Residents take part in it with great pleasure, dressing up in costumes and attributes of the era of King Umberto. To make the holiday brighter, everyone decorates their homes, horses and costumes with flowers.