The cult of Maitreya is especially popular in Central Asia. Every year, on a certain day, determined in accordance with the Buddhist calendar, the followers of this faith celebrate Maidari-Khural (the rotation of Maitreya). This is one of the most important holidays celebrated by thousands of people.

Maitreya is the Buddha of the Coming World Period, he will descend to earth and begin to rule the world after Buddha Shakyamuni. This time will not come soon, according to one of the scriptures in 5, 7 billion years. By this time, according to legend, the life expectancy of people will reach 80,000 years, and the world will be ruled by a just Buddhist.
There are numerous statues of Maitreya in the monasteries of India and Central Asia. They differ from ordinary Buddha statues in that they are depicted sitting on a throne with lowered legs or even standing. The skin of Maitreya is golden in color and there are always attributes nearby: a cup with a drink of immortality, a stupa on the head and a wheel of dharma. The wheel of dharma ("teaching") is a symbol of the Buddha's teaching - as long as it rotates, the teaching exists.
Every year thousands of people come to monasteries and take part in an amazing holiday - the circulation of Buddha Maitreya. This holiday is dedicated to the new incarnation of the savior of the human race. Since Buddha Maitreya is recognized in all directions of Buddhism, the Maidari-Khural holiday is celebrated by representatives of all branches of this teaching.
On this day, solemn prayers are held in monasteries, temples and communities. The statue of Buddha is taken out of the temple and placed under a canopy on a wooden chariot. A green horse or a wooden elephant is harnessed to the chariot. Accompanied by monks reading prayers (some of them set the chariot in motion, some go behind or in front), the chariot moves in the course of the sun around the temple along the outer wall.
At every turn, the procession stops for tea and prayers. Believers often try to touch the statue of Maitreya, as this touch, according to legend, brings happiness. The ceremony lasts all day, until the sun goes down, it personifies the eternal movement of the wheel of dharma. From this unusual ceremony, the holiday got the name "circulation".
The celebration ends with the presentation of gifts to members of the monastic community, a festive treat. The worship of sacred Buddhist relics, which often crowns the holiday, is especially inspiring for priests and believers.