On August 8, or July 26 according to the old style, Ermolaev Day is celebrated in the national calendar. It is dedicated to the memory of Saint Hermolaus, the Nicomedian martyr. Therefore, they did not arrange solemn celebrations on Ermolaev's day, but were engaged in the traditional things for this time of the year - harvesting, picking apples and herbs.

On August 8, it is customary to remember Ermolai, one of the holy Nicomedian martyrs, together with the preachers Ermippus and Ermokrat. According to the lives of the saints, at the beginning of the 4th century, by order of the emperor Maximilian, 20 thousand Christians were burned for their faith, locking them up in the Nicomedian church. But three men were saved. Hiding in remote corners of the country, they continued to teach the people of the Christian faith. Years later, Ermolai, Ermippus and Ermokrat were found and captured. They were offered to voluntarily renounce Christ by offering sacrifice to idols. Pagans threatened and intimidated the preachers. But suddenly an earthquake struck, and the stone idols staggered, fell and shattered. This was reported to Emperor Maximilian. In anger, he sentenced the martyrs to death.
As a rule, a warm and clear day fell on Yermolai, so the peasants were in a hurry to complete the harvest. It is not without reason that today people of the older generation can hear a saying on this day: "Ermolai - take away the bread."
On August 8, the early harvest of ripe apples began. But it was still impossible to eat them - the believers were waiting for the Apple Savior.
It is not customary to celebrate Ermolaev's day. It is simply piously carried out in labor and work. For example, in dry, non-rainy weather, healers went to the forests and meadows for medicinal herbs. By this August day, healing stems, greens, flowers and leaves were filled with all useful substances as much as possible and became suitable for harvesting them for long-term storage. Knowledgeable people said: on Yermolai "in the morning the cool dew fills the leaves, the dust washes away, and at noon the healing power is born in the herbs."
In modern times, people who are far from agriculture cannot chill on Ermolaev Day either. Do household chores, cleaning, laundry. For lunch, prepare traditional peasant dishes: boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage, vinaigrette, okroshka, jelly, bread. And, having visited Ermolaev Day at the morning and evening church services, remember the lives of the holy Nicomedian martyrs.