How The Virgin Mary Snow Festival Came About

How The Virgin Mary Snow Festival Came About
How The Virgin Mary Snow Festival Came About

The Catholic Snow Festival, or the Day of the Virgin Mary of the Snow, is celebrated on 5 August. It is dedicated to the Mother of God and her "snow miracle" that took place in the 4th century. On this sultry summer day, snow covered a field on one of the seven Roman hills, where the cathedral has stood ever since.

How the Virgin Mary Snow Festival came about
How the Virgin Mary Snow Festival came about

On August 5, pilgrims go to Catholic churches named after the Virgin Mary of the Snow throughout Europe, and religious services are held here. This holiday is a tribute to the day of illumination of the Cathedral of the Holy Immaculate Virgin, which was built in a place where pure sparkling snow fell in the summer heat. This phenomenon appeared to the eyes of Pope Liberius I "Confessor" and two other persons who have entered the history of the church forever.

Patrician Giovanni and his wife dreamed of a child for a long time and fervently prayed to the Lord for it. People are very rich, they constantly brought generous donations to the church. And on the night of August 5, 358, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to both of them in a dream and told them that they would soon have a son. In addition, a divine sign will soon be sent to the earth - snow will fall on one of the hills of Rome. And in the place where this will happen, a temple should be built.

The delighted couple went to the Pope and told about their dream. The supreme ruler of the Catholic Church was very surprised, because last night he himself received the same message from the Virgin Mary. At dawn, the three of them went to Equilin Hill and saw a snow-white carpet right in the middle of the field. Immediately this place was consecrated, and Liberius I ordered to build on it a temple dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin.

The construction was carried out for almost eight decades, and in 432 the Temple of the Virgin Mary of the Snow was erected, which became the largest in Rome. There is an icon of the Mother of God, one of the most revered among the supporters of Catholicism. She is often called the Madonna of the Snow, as well as the Salvation of the Roman people. Churches dedicated to this saint were built in many cities of Europe. There are also several signs associated with the Snow Festival. For example, in Germany, it is believed that rain on this day portends a good harvest.
