Midsummer's Day is an ancient holiday. Its roots go back to the days of paganism, when people attributed magical, magical properties to literally everything that surrounded them. With the establishment of the Christian religion as the dominant religion, the number of adherents of such views has sharply decreased. But the church found it expedient to combine the pagan holiday with the birthday of John the Baptist. At the present time, Midsummer's Day is celebrated by many European states.

Step 1
States have their own characteristics of celebrating Midsummer's Day. However, there are some common features. Numerous bonfires are made without fail, around which mass festivities are organized. It is believed that fire plays a cleansing role, in the flame of fires, as it were, all ailments, troubles, failures that have persecuted people are burned. Therefore, if you are participating in this holiday, try to get as close as possible in front of the fire. If you have the courage and you are confident in your physical capabilities, jump over the fire with a running start.
Step 2
Water procedures play an important role during this holiday. On this day, with the onset of darkness, Russian people always organized mass bathing in the nearest open water body. They believed that in this way they seemed to wash away all the troubles and intrigues of evil spirits, since special, magical properties were attributed to water that night. Since for a long time such bathing was performed jointly by men and women, and in the nude, the church reacted very negatively to such bathing, seeing in it the indulgence of demons. Now the participants of the holiday are plunging into the water in their bathing suits. You can do the same.
Step 3
In those places where there are no reservoirs, you can arrange to pour water from a well. You can also go to the bathhouse on this day. By the way, visiting the bathhouse on Midsummer's Day is considered mandatory for some peoples, for example, the Finns and Estonians.
Step 4
According to legend, an unmarried girl who on Midsummer's day weaves a head wreath of nine types of flowers for herself and goes to bed without taking it off, she will definitely see her betrothed in a dream. If you are of the fair sex and are not tied by the knot, you can join this beautiful ancient custom. But what if?
Step 5
On the night of this holiday, it is supposed to look for the miraculous fern flower. According to legend, it blooms only on Midsummer's Day, and those who see it will be accompanied by good luck and wealth for the rest of their lives.