Midsummer's Day is a national holiday with pagan roots. It is still celebrated among many European peoples, naturally, under a name corresponding to the phonetic characteristics of each language. After all, the name Ivan sounds like Johann for the Germans, for the Belarusians like Yanka, etc.

Step 1
Before the spread of Christianity in Europe, this holiday was timed to coincide with the summer solstice, and then it was dedicated to the birthday of John the Baptist. The Eastern Slavs still call this day "Ivan Kupala". Researchers agree that the word "Kupala" originally meant ritual bathing, ablution during a pagan holiday, and then acquired a certain sacred meaning, because baptism according to religious canons takes place in water.
Step 2
The feast of Midsummer's Day (or rather, Midsummer's Eve) is full of rituals, ceremonies that are inextricably linked with water, fire and various herbs. These rituals are still very disapprovingly characterized by many Christian priests, who see them as almost demonic games. For example, mass bathing on Midsummer's night. What is the meaning of this rite? Get rid of all evil spirits, as if washing it off yourself, and at the same time join the magical properties of water. It was believed that it was on this day and night that water acquired special, healing and magical properties.
Step 3
Or what are bonfires for? From time immemorial, peoples have attributed to fire a special, purifying meaning. It was believed that a person who passed between two fires gets rid of bad thoughts and all kinds of ailments. That is why on Midsummer's Day some people jump over bonfires. Thus, they kind of burn their failures and troubles. It is believed that the one who jumps the highest will be lucky and happy. Until recently, in some areas, the custom was popular: to drive livestock between cleansing fires so that it does not get sick.
Step 4
This folk holiday attributes to herbs a special, magical power. Healers have always believed that those herbs that are harvested on this night before dawn are especially helpful in the treatment of all diseases, and also contribute to the expulsion of evil spirits, protection of the house from natural disasters, etc. And human legends endowed the fern with a special magical power: they say, a person who saw his flower, which blooms only for the night of Ivan Kupala, will surely find a treasure, even very well hidden.