Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Name days, also called the day of the angel, are considered a special holiday. This day is dedicated to the heavenly patron, who not only protects a person on earth from troubles, but also asks for him before God. Such an exceptional day should be spent exclusively, different from other weekdays
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Imperceptibly St. Patrick's Day, which until recently was only Irish, entered our everyday life. For several years in a row, on March 17 in Russia, everyone becomes Irish and joins the celebration. Catholics honor Saint Patrick, who became the guardian of Ireland, because he delivered it from paganism and drove out the snakes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Since time immemorial, the painted Easter egg has been a symbol of the great Christian holiday of Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are several versions of why the chicken egg became the symbol of Easter. Instructions Step 1 One of the versions is associated with Mary Magdalene
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
An egg presented at Easter means the beginning of a new life, thanks to which it is customary to give colored eggs to each other on Easter Sunday. They are eaten at the table, given to loved ones, given to the homeless and taken to church services
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The holiday, which is revered by many as a religious Christian - Maslenitsa - actually has a deep sacred meaning for the pagan Slavs, who considered Maslenitsa the main holiday in honor of the sun god, as well as in honor of the beginning of a new summer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Unusual gift design - at least fifty percent of positive emotions for the recipient. Bright paper, kilometers of ribbons, stickers, sparkles cause true delight and a desire to quickly find out what is hidden behind such beauty. You can wrap a gift in an original way using simple things
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Easter is a bright and joyful holiday celebrated in spring. His date is always floating. Therefore, the question of when will Easter this year is usually very relevant. However, it should also not be forgotten that this holiday is characterized by certain traditional prohibitions that should not be ignored
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
As you know, Easter is that holiday. which the inhabitants of our country celebrate annually. The date of the upcoming Easter is easy to calculate using a table, or you can simply calculate it in a simple way. The sacred holiday of colored eggs, tasty and fragrant Easter cakes, yellow chickens and rabbits, which both children and adults are looking forward to in the country, is called Easter
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
We won't have time to look around, but the great Easter holiday will begin. But how can you celebrate it without Easter trappings: painted eggs and cakes? It's time to start thinking about when to start preparing for the celebration and table decoration
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Easter is one of the most important holidays in the life of Orthodox Christians. It was celebrated even in the most severe years of Soviet power, when militant atheism was preached, most churches were closed, and persecutions were arranged against those who dared to attend temples
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Easter is the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected; this holiday is already more than two thousand years old. Many traditions are incomprehensible to a modern person, but almost all families bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and knead Easter. This day is also significant because strict fasting ends
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
It is believed that nocturnal lifestyle is harmful to health, as it disrupts the biological rhythm of the human body. However, there are exceptions to each rule. For example, the activity of "owls" reaches its peak precisely in the dark
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Russian people are very fond of celebrating a variety of holidays on a grand scale: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, May Day. But there are special celebrations that Orthodox Christians in Russia treat with trepidation - church holidays
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Easter is celebrated in many countries around the world. On a holiday, people congratulate their loved ones on the resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of a new life, spring. On Easter Sunday, there is a lunch, which is obligatory with eggs, cheese, butter, biscuits, buns and cakes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Easter is the main holiday of the Christian calendar. It is not for nothing that it is called "holidays, a holiday and a celebration of celebrations." At the same time, the origin of the word "Easter" is not completely clear
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A wedding is a touching and joyful event in a person's life. Over the years, the family celebrates not the wedding day, but the wedding anniversary. Each year has its own name and traditions of celebration. The first anniversary of the wedding feast is chintz, and it is customary to give chintz products, it can be a scarf or a tablecloth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Our ancestors believed that miracles happen at Epiphany midnight: the sky opens up, giving a person the opportunity to see his future, birds and animals speak the human language, and water acquires special magical power. In Baptism, believers can take advantage of amazing opportunities if they observe simple traditions
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The total number of church holidays significantly exceeds the number of days in a year, so almost every day there are several festive events. They are subdivided according to solemnity into great, medium and small, as well as according to the object of glorification - into the Mother of God, the Lord and in honor of the saints
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Everyone celebrates their birthday in different ways: alone in the circle of the closest people, and someone arranges a truly folk festival. And if this date falls in the middle of the week, then for some reason the celebration is postponed to the weekend after it, and not earlier, because everyone knows that it is impossible to mark in advance, but few can explain the reason for these superstitions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Epiphany is a holiday that has been celebrated since the times of ancient Russia. To date, not many people know about the beliefs associated with January 19. However, the traditions that guided our ancestors still exist, and it is worth learning about them for a modern person
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Orthodox calendar for July 2019 is full of events. Most of which are the days of the memory of the holy martyrs and the honoring of icons. This month, believers also keep Peter's fast. Holidays in honor of icons The days of veneration of icons in the Orthodox calendar have a constant date
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The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is a great church holiday celebrating the ascension of the Virgin Mary to heaven and her reunification with her son Jesus Christ. On this day, believers visit churches, participate in divine services and observe various age-old traditions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Halloween is a wonderful and magical holiday with a lot of fun traditions. Recently, it has become popular during this grandiose action to apply face painting to the face so that there are as many frightened passers-by around as possible. What you need to apply face painting Face painting is a water-based, oil-free cosmetic paints
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
April 19 cannot boast of serious events that are important for world culture or representatives of certain professions in many countries. The most popular of these in developed countries is Snowdrop Day, but April 19 also celebrates the lesser-known Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia, the Day of Remembrance of the Hung Kings and the Anniversary of Victory in Playa Girona
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Day of Peter and Paul is a great Christian holiday honoring the two most important apostles and disciples of Christ, who suffered a painful death, but did not renounce the faith. Their life path is an example for every true believer. History and date of the holiday In 2019, the Feast of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul, according to the church calendar, falls on June 29
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The most anticipated holiday for everyone is Maslenitsa. Time for goodies, entertainment and farewell to winter. Both adults and children are waiting for the holiday, however, this year Maslenitsa will come quite late. It's no secret that Maslenitsa is one of the most popular holidays in folk culture
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Forgiveness Sunday is the last day of Shrovetide week. It concludes seven days of fun and festivities. After him comes a long, for many not the easiest time of Great Lent. The date of Forgiveness Sunday is not stable, changeable. When is Forgiveness Sunday 2019?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Carols are celebrated from December 25 to January 6. According to the calendar, they cover the New Year, St. Basil's Day, Christmas and the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Kolyady is an ancient Slavic pagan holiday, the inherent attributes of which are songs, gifts, dressing up with masks and the use of intoxicating drinks
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Kolyada is an ancient Slavic holiday. It was celebrated from the day of the winter solstice, when the sun "turned into spring" and the day "arrived at one passerine gallop." Christmas carols lasted 12 days (6 days before the New Year and 6 days after it)
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
According to tradition, Holy Sunday, believers begin in the church, where a service is held all night and a procession is performed. After its end, Easter, Easter cakes, eggs, bread, salt, etc., are sacred, which people collect in holiday baskets and bring to the temple
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
To give a beloved woman or girl a set of underwear is a noble and rewarding business. Your beloved will always appreciate such a gift. True, choosing underwear that your sweetheart will like is not an easy task. Underwear size The main thing to know when you are going to make a set of underwear as a gift to your beloved is the size of your beloved
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There is only one week left before the Bright holiday of Easter, which is called Passion, and it begins immediately after Palm Sunday. How to spend this strictest week of Great Lent? In the last week before Easter, they observe a strict fast, do not eat meat, fish, egg and dairy products
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In addition to the twelve major celebrations in the Church, called the twelve, there are several special great feasts. Orthodoxy refers to the Great Celebrations one Lord's, one Mother of God and three feasts dedicated to the saints. Circumcision of the Lord The only Great Feast in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated by the Orthodox Church in January
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In late spring, every day is like a holiday: it's warm, everything is blooming and the whole summer is ahead. But if you need an official reason for a good mood, just look at the calendar and choose the desired holiday. On May 28, there are at least three of them
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On September 21, one of the twelve eternal holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church falls - the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, whose image is deeply revered throughout the Christian world. This holiday is also called the Second Most Pure
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A month after Peter's Lent, on August 14, the Assumption Fast comes. It includes three church and national holidays, the first of which opens the Dormition Fast and is called the Savior of Honey. It has a long history associated with the defense of Russia, Epiphany and honey collection
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
On August 19 new or August 6 old style, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, or Apple Savior, as this church holiday is called among the people. On this day, it is customary, by reading special prayers, to consecrate ripening fruits
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
According to the calendar - spiritual books listing the names of all saints - on January 25, Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the holy Martyr Tatiana or Tatiana of Rome. Saint Tatiana, the day of remembrance which Christians have celebrated for nineteen centuries, lived in Rome at the beginning of the second century AD
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Baptism of the Lord is a Christian holiday celebrated in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. The Catholic Church celebrates this holiday on January 6, and the Orthodox Church on January 19. Instructions Step 1 Before Baptism, it is customary to bring cleanliness, this is done in order to sprinkle everything clean with the illuminated water brought from the church from the festive service in order to protect oneself
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Baptism is one of the main holidays for Christians. It is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 19. Another name for Baptism is Epiphany. According to the Gospel, at the moment of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan, God was manifested in his three hypostases - Father, Son and Holy Spirit