Name days, also called the day of the angel, are considered a special holiday. This day is dedicated to the heavenly patron, who not only protects a person on earth from troubles, but also asks for him before God. Such an exceptional day should be spent exclusively, different from other weekdays.

Step 1
On Angel's Day, organize a festive meal for your closest friends and family. Remember that name days always fall on a fast day, so prepare only lenten treats for guests.
Step 2
Bake, for example, a loaf or pie. If there are not many guests at the party, then present a small pie to everyone, thus expressing your gratitude for their coming into the house.
Step 3
Be sure to invite your godparents to this holiday, because they are considered the most honored guests, who should certainly leave the most beautiful and delicious piece of cake.
Step 4
Prepare a dish that would indicate the name of your patron angel or his deeds (fish for Peter's name day or pies with coins hidden inside on St. Matthew's day).
Step 5
Suggest red wine from strong drinks, which will not contradict the church canons. It is better not to drink other alcoholic drinks on angel's day: this is considered unacceptable.
Step 6
Try to create a cozy home atmosphere, because the day of an angel is a quiet and calm communication that brings spiritual enrichment and joy. Dim the lights, place candles, use scented and angel-shaped candles
Step 7
Decorate your home with pictures of your angel or events from his life. Also use symbolic drawings, special baking dishes, multicolored flags with embroidery of the face of the guardian angel.
Step 8
Don't limit yourself to just having a meal with close friends. Visit the temple on the day of your patron. If possible, prepare for confession and communion in advance so that the ordinances can be performed on that day.
Step 9
Learn a prayer dedicated to your guardian angel (or the simplest one, consisting of several lines), with words of gratitude. Say it before the start of the festive feast. If desired, perform a short chant (kontakion), which tells about the dogmatic meaning of the angel.
Step 10
If a friend has a name day, then prepare for him a special, very personal gift, for example, a mug with his name, a book about his patron saint, an icon with an image of an angel, or a personal amulet.