Easter is the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected; this holiday is already more than two thousand years old. Many traditions are incomprehensible to a modern person, but almost all families bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and knead Easter. This day is also significant because strict fasting ends.

It is necessary
- - home decorations;
- - traditional Easter dishes.
Step 1
Easter is a beautiful old spring holiday with many traditions associated with it. The house where you will celebrate Easter can be decorated with willow twigs and bright figurines of butterflies, bunnies, chickens, eggs. Hang these garlands over the window. Place colorfully decorated eggs in wicker baskets. Hang a wreath of willow branches, ribbons and flowers on the front door. It will symbolize the awakened nature and spring mood.
Step 2
Be sure to put Easter cakes, colored eggs and Easter on a table with a clean ironed tablecloth. Get the first spring flowers if you can. The festive mood will be created by cheerful figurines of yellow chickens, placed in low beautiful vessels with green grass. Easter compositions are very diverse, create them and decorate your home.
Step 3
If you go to the all-night service at church, consecrate all your traditional dishes there. Do not forget that on this day you need to celebrate Christ - say to each other “Christ is Risen” and answer “truly is Risen”, exchange a threefold kiss. It is not necessary to be a believer for this, this holiday has long become a universal day of joy and spring.
Step 4
Start preparing your home for Easter on Maundy Thursday, clean up all the rooms and clean the windows. Dedicate this day to cleansing your home and yourself, so that on Friday and Saturday you will be engaged in cooking festive dishes and decorating your home. Start your Easter meal with a red egg.
Step 5
If you do not bake your own cakes, choose tasty yellow delicious muffins covered with glossy icing, because this product is a symbol of fertility. For Easter, buy the best homemade cottage cheese, fatty and fresh. Grind it several times, mixing with cream, eggs, sugar, spices, nuts and raisins. Do not make a large amount of this dish, because it does not last very long.
Step 6
For dyeing eggs, whole sets are sold containing dyes, paper and plastic stickers (for hot eggs). Russian housewives often paint this product with onion husks, which are collected throughout the year.
Step 7
Do not forget to leave one egg until next Easter, it will bring you good luck and protect you from evil for a whole year.