Major religious holidays are best celebrated with the whole family. It strengthens relationships and brings relatives together. Easter has its own vibrant traditions and rituals, the fulfillment of which brings together all family members. Prepare in advance all the necessary attributes of this holiday - paint for eggs, willow twigs, beautiful tablecloths and napkins, wicker baskets for Easter dishes.

Step 1
The Holy Week preceding Easter is especially strict with regard to fasting. It concerns not so much food as spiritual abstinence in order to prepare the soul for life affirmation. On Holy Thursday, it is customary to thoroughly clean and wash your house. Be sure to open and wash all windows to let in the fresh spring spirit and bright holiday.
Step 2
The most mournful and austere day is Good Friday. True believers do not eat anything on this day, do not entertain themselves in any way, and do not do housework. All your thoughts should be directed to the soul and distracted from the bodily.
Step 3
On Saturday, prepare for Easter, collect all the traditional dishes to consecrate them in the church at the service. Paint eggs, bake cakes and knead Easter, there is no Easter table without these dishes.
Step 4
On Saturday night, if possible, go with the whole family to Vigil in the temple. The light of lighted candles in front of the icons, the sounds of solemn chants uplift the soul and open it to all that is bright and good, for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
Step 5
Return home after the service to continue your holiday. Begin by washing your face with Easter, place a sanctified egg in a basin, add water, and wash your face and hands with it. For women, this ceremony will prolong youth and add beauty, and give strength to men.
Step 6
Sit down with the whole family for an Easter meal, this is a purely family table, usually guests are not invited for the first meal on Sunday. A large table should be nicely set, in the center, be sure to put a basket with colored eggs and Easter bread. The meal begins with a blessed red egg, it is broken, cleaned and divided among all the family members present.
Step 7
Then the head of the family distributes pieces of Easter bread and Easter to relatives in the same way. Only after the consecrated dishes begin to eat all the others that you have prepared.
Step 8
Give dyed testicles to each other and all your friends and neighbors. They have a wonderful power that will bring good luck and health. Easter eggs are not smashed on the table. Usually two people hit them, holding them, one against the other.
Step 9
The food left over from the Passover meal is distributed to the poor. Consecrated food should not be given to animals or thrown away. It can be unfortunate.