As you know, Easter is that holiday. which the inhabitants of our country celebrate annually. The date of the upcoming Easter is easy to calculate using a table, or you can simply calculate it in a simple way.

The sacred holiday of colored eggs, tasty and fragrant Easter cakes, yellow chickens and rabbits, which both children and adults are looking forward to in the country, is called Easter. This is perhaps the most joyous religious holiday of the year. It was at this time that the main miracle happened - the great martyr Jesus Christ was resurrected. On Easter days, everyone mentions this, congratulating each other with the phrase: "Christ is Risen!" and receiving the answer to it: "Truly He is Risen!"
To calculate the date of Easter, a complex astrological calendar or Easter tables, the so-called Easter, is used. It so happened that Easter never has a specific date, because it is necessarily celebrated on Sunday. The very name of the day of the week speaks for itself: - the day of resurrection, in this case Jesus Christ.
Such a Sunday is chosen based on the first full moon after the vernal equinox, which falls on March 21st. This year, in comparison with the previous one, Easter has been shifted by as much as three weeks ahead and falls on April 28, 2019. This applies, by the way, only to Orthodox Easter. These dates for Catholics and Orthodox will coincide only in 2025.
On the day of the celebration of Easter, everyone is eagerly awaiting the descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem, and starting from Maundy Thursday they bake fragrant Easter cakes and paint eggs in different ways. In some regions of Russia, children walk in their neighbors, celebrate Christ, and receive awards in the form of sweets, eggs and even money for their congratulations. Since ancient times, Easter has been and is a family holiday, which is celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends.