Easter is considered one of the most important holidays among Christians. It is on this day that everyone feasts and rejoices, glorifying the Resurrection of Jesus. Each country has its own traditions of celebrating Easter, in Russia eggs are painted and beaten with them, and in Europe you can see Easter rabbits everywhere. But the problem is that Easter day changes every year. And you can find out when Easter will be in 2017 only with the help of a special table.

How is the Easter date determined?
The date for the celebration of Easter can only be determined using Easter. This method takes as its basis the date of the Old Testament Passover, when the most last and cruel Egyptian execution was carried out. The next Sunday after this day in the solar calendar is the day of Christian Easter. It is important to know that in order to determine when Easter will be required to use the Gregorian, Julian or Alexandrian calendar.
In Easter there is a certain rule, thanks to which it becomes easier to understand the determination of the date of Easter. To find out when Easter will be, you need to know when the vernal equinox will be. Then determine the first full moon after that day and find the closest resurrection after the full moon. This number will be the holiday of Great Easter.
The full moon and equinox in determining the date of Easter are not astronomical phenomena, but dates calculated using the Metonian cycle.

When is Easter in 2017 for Orthodox Christians?
Do not despair if the method for determining Easter is not clear. The dates have long been calculated and now you can easily find out when the Orthodox will have Easter in 2017. The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ in 2017 is celebrated on April 16. The week before Easter is called Passion and is considered the most difficult in the whole of Great Lent.
The holiday of Bright Easter is the magnificent end of Lent, which lasts 48 days. During fasting, a person should purify himself spiritually, pray, eat only light plant foods and give up bad thoughts. And on the day of Easter, tables are usually set with various meat and festive dishes. Traditionally, Easter cake, eggs and Easter should be present on the table on Easter day. It is good if they were consecrated in the church during the night service.

Catholic Easter in 2017
It rarely happens that Catholic and Christian Easter coincide. And 2017 has become just that. Catholic Easter in 2017 is celebrated on April 16th. Services in the church begin early on Thursday. Preparation for Catholic Easter is similar to Orthodox. People prepare holiday meals, paint and decorate eggs. Purity should be both in the thoughts of believers and in the home. People invite each other to celebrate this great holiday.

Jewish Passover in 2017
In Jerusalem, Easter is considered one of the main holidays. The Jews believe that it was on this day, called Passover, that all their people were saved. The Easter holiday among Jews is celebrated on a large scale in compliance with all traditions. It is not for nothing that Jerusalem is the center for all pilgrims who believe in God. Jewish Passover in 2017 is celebrated all week in April from the 11th to the 17th.
In addition to the laid tables, prayers and divine services, it is customary for the Jews on this day to help the poor and treat the poor with food.