April 19 cannot boast of serious events that are important for world culture or representatives of certain professions in many countries. The most popular of these in developed countries is Snowdrop Day, but April 19 also celebrates the lesser-known Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia, the Day of Remembrance of the Hung Kings and the Anniversary of Victory in Playa Girona.

Snowdrop Day
This holiday is very beautiful in its symbolism and is truly spring. In English, its name reads like this - The Day of Snowdrop.
The Day of Snowdrops dates back to 1984, when this holiday of spring flowers was established, which bloom in all countries of its growth from January to the end of April. But April 19 also has a longer history: in Great Britain it was on this day that the peasants finished collecting snowdrops and rejoiced at the onset of a long daylight.
For the British, a snowdrop is a flower to which the inhabitants of the country have a very reverent attitude. According to one version, this is due to an old belief that snowdrops growing around or near a house or a building can protect it and its inhabitants from evil spirits and ill-wishers.
For people in the UK, snowdrops are similar in meaning to tulips in the Netherlands.
In recent years, unfortunately, Snowdrops Day has become not only a holiday of joy, but also of sadness, as snowdrops bloom less and less. The fault is in the people who barbarously collect them. Therefore, some countries for which this flower has always been traditional and familiar can no longer boast of a large amount of flowering. Environmentalists call for people to admire snowdrops in their natural conditions of growth, and not to pick flowers, the life of which is only a few days.
In addition, snowdrop collectors often do not cut the flowers, but simply pull them out, thus damaging the bulb.
Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry and other holidays
This day is one of the most significant in the list of professional holidays important for Russia. It was timed to April 19 for the reason that it was on this date back in 1922 that a decree was issued on the creation of the Metallotorg association, which includes five departments important for the USSR industry - NKVT, VSNKh, REVVOENSOVET, NKPS and NKZ.
Hung Kings Day has been celebrated in Vietnam since 2007, starting on April 19 and continuing for a week. The rulers revered by the Vietnamese are the subject of cultural heritage, giving the country a state structure back in the Bronze Age.
Playa Giron is a settlement located in the Cochinos Bay in Cuba. On April 19, American paratroopers landed in it, which were sent there with the aim of overthrowing the government of Fedel Castro. Nevertheless, they were defeated, after which Cuba finally chose the socialist path of development.