April 29 - World Dance Day, uniting millions of fans of this art form around the world. On this day, you can witness an unusual flash mob or attend some kind of performance - fortunately, in honor of the significant date, an unthinkable number of them are organized. If you are indifferent to dancing, on the 29th there are several more reasons to celebrate.

International Dance Day
World Dance Day was established by UNESCO in 1982 and is celebrated on April 29 - the birthday of the great French ballet master Jean-Georges Novers, who is considered the “father of modern ballet”. For millions of dancers, choreographers, directors, members of ballroom and folk dance ensembles around the world, Dance Day is a professional holiday. But amateurs, street dancers, self-taught and all those who are united by love for this unique form of art do not stand aside.
In Russia, on this day, the Benois of Dance prize, established in 1991 by the International Association of Choreographers, is awarded annually. The award ceremony takes place on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.
Showa Day in Japan
After his death, Emperor Hirohito received the eternal title of Emperor Showa, and his birthday was declared a national holiday. It was soon renamed Greenery Day, however, starting in 2007, after the adoption of a relevant law by the Japanese Parliament, it was returned to its original name.
On this day, the memory of the emperor who ruled the country from 1926 to 1989 is honored. Showa, the throne name of Hirohito (which is the motto of the board) is translated into Russian as "Enlightened World". Indeed, the life of the Japanese changed dramatically under him. "From now on I become a man" - declared the divine Hirohito in his address to the people in 1945. The emperor was no longer considered the viceroy of God, but only a mere mortal. Japan was rapidly transforming into a secular, Westernized, industrial state. The standard of living of citizens has significantly increased, the everyday culture has changed, the birth rate has increased.
Before Emperor Hirohito, ordinary Japanese believed that God was in control of the state and their lives.
Showa Day kicks off the so-called Golden Week in Japan. This is a week that brings together several major celebrations. It ends with the Children's Day celebrated on May 5.
Folk holidays
For the Eastern Slavs, April 29 is Navi Day. In ancient times, ritual visits to the graves of friends, relatives, ancestors began with him. It was customary to bring so-called treasures to burial sites - a special type of offerings. The requirement could be food, drinks, household items, made by hand.
It was believed that on the eve of Navier Day, those who were buried without a ceremony, or the forgotten dead, rise from their graves.
According to the Orthodox calendar, April 29 is Arina's day (Arina - "snatch the shores"). According to legend, Arina is a martyr for the faith, who was asked to renounce Christianity. She refused and was sent to a brothel. There, no one dared to touch her, and the woman was executed.
In Russia, on Arina's day, the rivers begin to enter normal channels, eroding the banks and ravines - hence the popular saying “Arina - snatch the banks”. On this day, it is customary to deal with seedlings and whitewash the trunks of garden trees.