On April 16, several holidays are celebrated in different countries - Russia, Bulgaria, Armenia. Among them are professional holidays and national significant days.

Armenian Day of Police Worker
On April 16, the Day of the Police Worker is celebrated in Armenia. On this day in 2001, the law "On the Police" was adopted. Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated by laying wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Yerevan's Victory Park. All police departments congratulate the most distinguished workers for the year and present them with state awards and certificates. The police also receive congratulations from the President of Armenia and regional officials. In many localities, large festive events are held to coincide with the significant date. The Day of the Police Officer in Armenia is non-working.
In Armenia, Police Worker Day is widely celebrated not only by the police themselves, but also by other residents.
First Constitution Day and Lawyer's Day in Bulgaria
On April 16, 1879, the first independent constitution was adopted in Bulgaria, called Tarnovo, after the ancient capital of Bulgaria. The Constitution was established by the first Great People's Assembly, formed after the overthrow of Turkish rule. The document proclaimed Bulgaria a constitutional republic, but in subsequent years the monarchs gained more and more influence on the government, and in 1934 a new constitution was adopted. After the adoption of Soviet power in 1947, the country's main document changed again, the following changes took place in 1971, and the modern constitution dates back to 1991. However, Bulgarians still remember the day when their country finally became independent.
Many residents of Bulgaria speak out against the modern constitution and call for the return of Tarnovo.
April in Bulgaria is rich in holidays. April 16 is also celebrated here as Lawyer's Day. The holiday was adopted in 1991. On this day, lawyers receive congratulations from the management and honorable mentions.
Nikita Vodopol Day in Russia
On April 16, Russia celebrates an ancient holiday dedicated to the Greek Orthodox abbot Nikita the Confessor. According to signs, it is on this day that the ice begins to vigorously melt, and the reservoirs are knocked out from under the ice captivity. The entire economy of the Russian peasants depended on the height of the flood, so they intensively prayed to Saint Nikita and calculated the volumes of water by signs. It was also believed that on this day, a waterman wakes up, who must be appeased so that he does not flood the fields and bring a lot of fish. Bread, porridge, butter were thrown into the water, and sometimes even a horse was sacrificed.