Easter is one of the most important holidays in the life of Orthodox Christians. It was celebrated even in the most severe years of Soviet power, when militant atheism was preached, most churches were closed, and persecutions were arranged against those who dared to attend temples. Of course, these years were not in vain. Generations have grown up who no longer know ancient traditions, including how to celebrate Easter correctly. But this is not difficult.

Step 1
Keep in mind that believers are preparing for Easter well in advance. They should observe fasting (in 2012, it lasts from February 27 to April 14). But, of course, limiting carnal and gastronomic pleasures is only an external manifestation of faith, and the most important thing should be the cleansing of a person's soul from everything vile, vile and unworthy. If you, for health reasons or for some other reason, did not observe the entire Fast, but want to seriously prepare for Easter, try not to eat meat, dairy, egg and fish food at least in the last days before the holiday - on Holy Week. Give up worldly vanity, bad thoughts, think about your soul.
Step 2
Holy Thursday is of particular importance for all believers. It was on this day that Jesus took part in a festive meal with his disciples (known to you from the literature of the Last Supper). Today, Orthodox Christians on Thursday (also called Maundy Thursday) try to receive Holy Communion, as well as to put their dwelling in order, and before the sun rises - be sure to swim. On this day, and even better the day before, try to bake cakes and paint eggs.
Step 3
Bake more cakes, because they, along with dye eggs, are the most traditional gifts for Easter. They need enough to be enough to give to relatives, friends and good acquaintances, as well as household members, and not only for one Sunday, but for all days of Bright Week after Holy Sunday.
Step 4
On Friday, the shroud is taken out of the church - the cloth in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped. The rite of his burial is performed. The shroud is then carried around the church. It is better for you not to start anything serious on this day or undertake anything. It is also impossible to bake cakes.
Step 5
On Great Saturday, Easter cakes and eggs are brought to the temple for consecration. Believers come to the Liturgy and stay overnight, because a solemn service is held throughout the night, the most beautiful action is the Easter Midnight Office, a procession around the church with lighted candles, a joyful morning service (Matins) and the Divine Liturgy. If you cannot spend the whole night in the service, but definitely want to get to the consecration of Easter, try to go to church at least four in the morning. Usually, the priest walks the ranks of believers on the street in front of the temple several times and performs the consecration. Or stop by and pray in the afternoon. Take with you and leave the cake in the temple - it is customary.
Step 6
Put Easter cakes, colored eggs, and cottage cheese Easter in the blessing basket. Wine or vodka must not be put in under any circumstances. Sometimes people also put bread, salt, boiled pork, homemade sausage and other products in baskets. In principle, this is wrong, but they are usually also consecrated.
Step 7
After returning from church, prepare a festive table for breaking the fast. Lay out the consecrated products, put other dishes prepared in advance on the table - these are usually boiled pork, duck or goose baked with apples, Easter cottage cheese, pies, jelly, etc.
Step 8
The celebration of Easter does not end on this day. The next six days are considered to be the same as Sunday. In general, the holiday continues for another 40 days, and during the entire time you can greet each other with the words "Christ is Risen" and expect an answer "Truly is Risen!" Go to visit, receive guests, give gifts.