What Church Holidays Are Celebrated In October

What Church Holidays Are Celebrated In October
What Church Holidays Are Celebrated In October

The total number of church holidays significantly exceeds the number of days in a year, so almost every day there are several festive events. They are subdivided according to solemnity into great, medium and small, as well as according to the object of glorification - into the Mother of God, the Lord and in honor of the saints.

The most significant holiday in October is the Intercession of the Virgin
The most significant holiday in October is the Intercession of the Virgin

The main church holiday of October

The most significant holiday in October is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, which belongs to the category of great ones. In the church calendar, the date of October 14 is assigned to the Cover.

This holiday was based on the event that took place - the appearance in 910 of the Mother of God in Constantinople in the Blachernae Church, where, fleeing from enemies, the inhabitants of the city took refuge. According to the existing church belief, the Virgin Mary appeared before the believers, stretched out an omophorion over them - a white veil - and offered up a prayer for the salvation of the world from suffering and adversity.

The people of Pokrov are considered the most favorable time for matchmaking and weddings.

In Russia, this holiday began to be celebrated two and a half centuries later. It took root and began to be of such great importance due to the fact that the Mother of God was considered the patroness of farmers. Therefore, the Intercession was widely celebrated in peasant life, incorporating many of the rites of the ancient Slavic holiday to mark the end of the autumn field work.

Other Orthodox holidays in October

On October 8, one of the most revered Orthodox saints, Sergius of Radonezh, is remembered. His deeds and merits are widely known thanks to the Life, written by the preacher Epiphanius the Wise. For many years he was in the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh and witnessed his Christian exploits.

Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity Monastery, which later became the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. As the abbot of the monastery, he restored the monastic hostel in Russia, became the ideological inspirer of the collection of appanage lands around Moscow and the victory of the Russian troops in the Battle of Kulikovo.

On October 9, John the Evangelist is honored. A close disciple of Jesus Christ - together with Peter he preached the teaching of Christ in Jerusalem. In Rome, John was captured, tortured and sent to the deserted island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. There he endured severe hardships, worked hard and wrote his famous "Revelation", which is also called "Apocalypse".

October 31 is the day of remembrance of the apostle and evangelist Luke. Physician and artist, Luke was one of the most educated disciples and companions of Jesus Christ and was one of the first 12 apostles. Under the guidance of Paul, he wrote his Gospel and the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

According to church tradition, the Evangelist Luke was the first to write on the blackboard the image of the Mother of God with the Savior in her arms. He is also the author of 2 more icons of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is believed that it was with these 3 icons that the icon-painting tradition began.

Luke preached the teachings of Christ in Libya and Egypt. In Thebes, at the age of 84, he was martyred by being hanged by pagans on an olive tree.
