Everyone celebrates their birthday in different ways: alone in the circle of the closest people, and someone arranges a truly folk festival. And if this date falls in the middle of the week, then for some reason the celebration is postponed to the weekend after it, and not earlier, because everyone knows that it is impossible to mark in advance, but few can explain the reason for these superstitions.

Step 1
Popular superstitions
Since the days of paganism, there has been an opinion that not only friends and relatives come to a person on his birthday, but also the souls of the dead, as well as spirits and other evil spirits. And if you celebrate in advance, then all of them will not get to the celebration and will be very offended, therefore, throughout the next year they will do small dirty tricks, interfere with the successful resolution of matters, interfere with work and everyday life.
Step 2
That is why, allegedly, they set the date of the celebration either on the birthday itself or after, so that invisible guests will definitely not be late for the holiday. However, in some states of Southeast Asia it is not customary to celebrate this important event after. It is interesting that in many countries and religions there are strange customs designed to deceive or appease evil spirits on a birthday, for example, you can click the birthday boy on the forehead, smear oil on his nose.
Step 3
Biological rationale
It is believed that a person is especially vulnerable before his birthday; sometimes they say that during this period the angels leave him. Some scientists attribute this to the fact that the body retains the memory of the birth pangs. Indeed, a couple of weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother begins to experience the so-called training contractions (John Braxton Hicks contractions). During this time, the fetus is experiencing real physical discomfort. What can we say about the birth itself, when the baby, together with his mother, feels pain, lack of oxygen. It is believed that it is the hidden memories of birth and what precedes it that are the cause of frequent accidents, injuries and illnesses that follow a person for a month before an important date.
Step 4
Lady Luck
Many do not celebrate their birthday in advance for fear that fortune will turn away. For the same reason, other events are not celebrated before the completion: the purchase of an apartment before receiving a certificate of registration of ownership, obtaining a higher education before receiving a diploma. And as soon as an important date comes - walk as much as you like. In general, any of the interpretations of this sign is conditional, and there are cases when, wishing to change their fate, famous personalities deliberately changed the data on their date of birth and chose it based on their own preferences.