Despite the fact that people live in the third millennium and fully enjoy the fruits of scientific and technological progress, in everyday reality there is still a place for all kinds of prejudices and superstitions. Among the most persistent and widespread superstitions is the prohibition on "congratulations in advance." Some people take this prohibition very seriously.

The origins of this taboo lie in ancient times, when man was absolutely helpless before the forces of nature. In his imagination, he endowed the surrounding world with all kinds of spirits - both good and evil. Naturally, the attention of good spirits should be sought in every possible way, and the attention of evil, accordingly, should be avoided at all costs. And gradually a belief arose: if a person is congratulated on something in advance, then evil spirits will definitely notice it and will not leave without consequences. He will surely soon either be overtaken by a big trouble or will be constantly pursued by small, but very annoying troubles. And who, being of sound mind, would wish himself, or a loved one, such a misfortune! Therefore, people tried very hard not to break this rule.
And this superstition is still very tenacious. The only difference is that in our time it is not so much "spirits" as "negative energy", "bad karma", etc. that are feared.
But what about those who adhere to atheistic and materialistic views? Do they really believe neither in the "evil eye" or in "bad karma"? Such people observe the same unspoken prohibition for other reasons.
First, it seems to them simply ridiculous, unnatural to congratulate a person in advance! Why, when in a few days it can be done according to all the rules? And the person will be more pleasant.
Secondly, they sincerely believe that congratulations before the date of the celebration will to some extent belittle the celebration itself.
Thirdly, they are often afraid of offending the person to whom their congratulations are addressed: they will also think that they have forgotten when his birthday, for example!
Well, and fourthly, what if this person attaches importance to a tenacious superstition? So why bother him in vain, upset him? Better to play it safe just in case.