On September 11, 2007, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrated for the first time the Day of a specialist in educational work. This specialty dates back to the reign of Catherine II, since it was on this day in 1766 that the empress approved the Charter of the Gentry Land Cadet Corps. The staffing of the corps included not only officers-teachers, but also officers-educators. Thus, the importance of conducting educational work among people who have chosen a military career was especially emphasized.

Throughout the subsequent history of Russia, despite all the changes, both positive and negative, which also affected its armed forces, the role of educational structures remained unchanged. They were largely responsible for the high level of fighting spirit and moral qualities of soldiers and officers. At present, the level of discipline, the moral and psychological situation in the subdivisions, units and formations of the Armed Forces of Russia also directly depends on the officers-educators.
Practice shows that where officers-educators are conscientiously and fully performing their duties, show a caring and informal approach to personnel, the level of discipline, conscientiousness is higher, and there are fewer cases of violation of statutory relations. In such military collectives, as a rule, a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere develops.
Specialists in educational work are currently being trained at the faculties of some military educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The list of such specialties includes psychologists, sociologists, officers for public and state training, military journalists, as well as specialists responsible for the cultural leisure of military personnel and their families.
On the day of September 11, it is customary to congratulate specialists in educational work, noting their merits. These congratulations can be both official, in the form of orders from the commanders of units and formations, and informal, from colleagues, colleagues, former subordinates. On that day, special attention is paid to honoring the veterans of the Great Patriotic War who served as political workers at all levels, since their activities serve as a vivid example for the new generations of officer-educators.