Most of the holidays and festivals in Vietnam are based on the lunar calendar. That is why their dates can fall on different days according to our Gregorian calendar. In June, the Vietnamese celebrate an unusual holiday - Tet Doan Ngo.

Not only in Vietnam, but also in other countries, there is a belief that worms live and multiply in the human body, which cause us considerable harm. They provoke the development of all kinds of ailments. Vietnamese people celebrate Tet Doan Ngo every year to prevent parasites from entering the body.
It is generally accepted that it is on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar that a person is given the opportunity to get rid of dangerous worms, the active reproduction of which can lead to the death of the body. On this day in Vietnam, Tet Doan Ngo is arranged.
According to tradition, Vietnamese eat ryounep every morning of the holiday. This medicinal dish is prepared at home according to an ancient national recipe. Ryounep contains fermented black or yellow rice sticky to the touch. Fresh fruit is also added to the dish.
During Tet Doan Ngo, houses are decorated outside and inside with bunches of bitter wormwood. In traditional Vietnamese medicine, this plant is used to treat colds. Wormwood helps to reduce fever and pain in the human body.
Science has not yet been able to prove the usefulness of the properties of this folk remedy. But, despite this, the inhabitants of Vietnam have been using wormwood for many centuries as an effective medicine for various ailments.
The Tet Doan Ngo holiday in Vietnam is not a reason to have fun and have a good time. They take him seriously here and every year they look forward to the onset of this event. Vietnamese believe that Tet Doan Ngo helps to free themselves from dangerous parasites that live in their bodies.
If you are planning to visit Vietnam in June, try to get to this unusual event. Tet Doan Ngo is also called Midsummer Day. The people of Vietnam still believe in the sacred powers that come to them on this holiday and help get rid of all diseases.