At present, acquaintance with the bride's parents is not as magnificent and solemn as before. Some of the traditions are forgotten and lost, but some pomp is still present.

The future newlywed informs her parents about the imminent visit of a potential husband. Usually the table is set with light snacks and simple salads, alcoholic drinks are purchased. The groom, for his part, should consider buying flowers and the upcoming conversation. It is recommended that you dress in full dress uniforms to create a positive impression.
Highlights of the meeting
All the nuances of the wedding are discussed at the table, but initially the man must officially ask the bride's hand from her father. Parents, in turn, must voice their decision regarding consent or denial of marriage between young people. When the groom comes to the bride's house alone, then his visit should not be delayed for a long time. Then, for example, the next day, the betrothed should come to meet his relatives.
There are circumstances when the young are away from the family. Then it is worth sending photographs of the "second halves" by mail to their homeland and ask for official permission to seal their lives. Only then can you go and apply to the registry office.
What issues are discussed at matchmaking
An organized meeting of families is considered the best option. It can take place both in the house of one of the future newlyweds, and in neutral territory: in a cafe or in a small restaurant hall. In case of informal communication, it is worth discussing all the nuances of the upcoming celebration: the number of guests, the place for the banquet, the number of cars in the motorcade. It is necessary to agree on the distribution of money spent on video and photography, the toastmaster and the host of the dance program.
The composition of the wedding menu should be calculated based on the financial capabilities of both parties, the number of guests, whether someone has special food preferences. Some at this meeting discuss housing issues - where the young family will live, what grand gifts parents can give to make it easier for them to live together.
Many couples organize not only matchmaking, but also engagement. The party gathers not only relatives, but also friends of the young. The intention to marry is announced, invitations are handed out, where the date, time and place of the event are indicated. The groom presents the bride with a ring, which she must wear until the wedding. In addition, this decoration can be inherited by future generations. During the time remaining before the wedding, it is necessary to think over everything carefully and weigh how much the young are ready to create a family, to live together, to have and raise children.