In 2004, the Day of a PR Specialist was held in Russia for the first time. The holiday was scheduled for July 28, since it was on this day that a decree was signed a year earlier, thanks to which the characteristics of the positions of public relations specialists were included in the All-Russian classifier.

For a long time, public relations specialists belonged to a shady, incomprehensible and not prestigious profession. Only in 2001 the PR industry received state support, but this did not immediately increase interest in it. The established PR Specialist Day was supposed to prove that this profession is no less important than others. The emphasis, as a rule, is made on the advantages of the PR industry, on the opportunities that it opens up.
On the holiday of a public relations specialist, it is customary not only to congratulate representatives of this profession or even give them gifts, but also to organize special events for everyone, during which people can get to know the specifics of this work better. The fact is that, although the prestige of the profession is growing, some people still do not understand what its representatives are doing. Public relations are sometimes confused with advertising, then with journalism, then with psychology, and PR-Specialist Day is the best time for educational events.
Some of the lectures, seminars and other events that take place on July 28 are primarily for entrepreneurs. Businessmen should understand how important the help of a qualified PR specialist can be for the company, as well as know what duties should be performed by a representative of this profession who holds a particular position. It is thanks to such events that it is possible to make the profession more in demand, as well as to establish mutual understanding between the employer and the employee.
Also, on July 28, in some cities, professional events and, in particular, conferences are held, during which PR specialists can get to know each other, share experience, establish new connections, discuss certain issues together and solve problems. In particular, a major event is organized in Moscow every year, for which a new, most interesting and relevant topic is chosen each time. Within its framework, even a party is held, during which awards are presented to the best specialists, famous musicians, singers, etc. perform.