How To Choose A Day For A Wedding

How To Choose A Day For A Wedding
How To Choose A Day For A Wedding

The wedding is one of the seven holy sacraments of the Christian Church. It marks the birth of a new Christian family. Many newlyweds who intend, after state registration, to seal their marriage with a wedding, often find it difficult to choose the date of this important event.


The wedding has always been surrounded by numerous folk signs, they also relate to the timing of this process. For example, such beliefs are widespread: “to get married in May - to suffer all your life”, “to get married in January - early to be widowed”, many are afraid to marry in general and get married in particular in a leap year, considering it “unhappy”, etc.

All this belongs to the category of superstitions, which should not influence the way of thinking of a Christian in general and the choice of the wedding day in particular. In the same way, it is unacceptable when choosing a wedding day to be guided by horoscopes, astrological forecasts, "favorable days" according to the lunar calendar. If a person believes in such things, there is a doubt that he is a Christian, which means that he should not participate in the sacrament of the wedding.

Sometimes young people want to hold on the same day both the state registration of marriage and the wedding. Perhaps, in a particular church, they will meet such people, especially if they are permanent parishioners whom the priest knows well, but usually, in order to set a wedding date in churches, they require a marriage certificate or a passport with the appropriate stamp. Therefore, you will first have to register at the registry office, and only then go to the church to negotiate a wedding.

Weddings are not permitted every day. You cannot get married during a multi-day fast. There are four such fasts in the Orthodox Church: Great (7 weeks before Easter), Petrov (starts a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity, ends on July 12), Assumption (August 14-27) and Rozhdestvensky (40 days before Christmas). Fasting is not a time for wedding fun, for a wedding feast. It is forbidden during fasting and intimacy between spouses, which, naturally, takes place on the first wedding night.

They do not marry during Christmas time - from Christmas to Epiphany, on Easter week, including Bright Sunday itself, in the last week before Great Lent, on the days of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27), as well as on the eve of these holidays. It is impossible to get married on the eve of all twelve feasts (Meeting, Annunciation, etc.), as well as on the eve of the patronal feast of the church where the wedding will take place.

You cannot get married on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in any week.

Of course, not a single priest will appoint a wedding on the day when it is not supposed to be celebrated, but it is useful for young people to know about such rules in advance, so as not to make deliberately impossible plans. The Church can deviate from these rules only in exceptional cases - for example, for a soldier going to war.

There are no other restrictions on the choice of the day for the wedding.
