In addition to the well-known holidays, such as the New Year or Victory Day, in Russia there are also more local ones, designed for certain groups of the population. These include Youth Day, dedicated to young Russians.

For the first time, such a holiday as Youth Day appeared in the USSR in the 50s. In Russia, it was revived in the early 90s. Initially, the date of the event was floating - the day was celebrated on the last weekend in June. Subsequently, the date became fixed - now the holiday always falls on June 27th.
On Youth Day, the country's political leaders deliver congratulations. Usually it is the president, sometimes the prime minister and the heads of regions and cities.
Also on the holiday, various cultural events are held. For example, in Naberezhnye Chelny in 2012, under the auspices of the Youth Day, a modern dance festival was held. In Grozny and many other cities, festive concerts were held with the participation of both famous performers and novice youth groups.
Sports competitions are often timed to coincide with the holiday. Thus, the city authorities are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people.
From time to time, events in honor of the youth day are combined with graduation parties in schools. On such days, the city authorities organize common areas of events for school graduates and students. For this case, by the decision of the city leaders, the celebration can be postponed from June 27 to another day.
Although Youth Day was not declared an official holiday, it can be considered an important holiday and a way to attract the attention of young people to various pressing issues. In addition to the entertainment component, on this day, propaganda events can also be held, for example, related to the call to abandon alcohol and drugs. The variety of events depends not only on the leadership of a particular city, but also on the activity of youth organizations, which on this day have the opportunity to show themselves.