Birthday is the main holiday in a person's life. On this day, he was born, opened his eyes for the first time, saw the light and took his first breath. Of course, he could not have been born without the help of the most important person for him - his mother. She carried him for nine months, sang songs, talked, took care of him. And on the birthday itself, my mother was able to overcome inhuman pains, not lose heart and not give up, but at any cost to give birth to her baby.

What does the birthday of her child mean to mom?
Of course, this is a great holiday, first of all for mom. Women who have given birth at least once in their lives will agree with this statement. The birth of a child is one of the happiest days in the life of a woman and a loving mother. This is her great victory and merit, one might even say a feat that truly deserves respect. For some moms, her baby's birthday is even more of a celebration than her own birthday.
It is a pity that not everyone considers it necessary to congratulate the mother on the birthday of her child. Often these are men who do not really understand what the birthday of her child means for a mother. And first of all, the father of the family should congratulate his wife on this great holiday. On that beautiful day, his beloved wife gave him a son or daughter. Of course, mom should also congratulate the child's dad on this great holiday. It will be good if the parents of the baby make it a good family tradition to celebrate his birthday and congratulate each other. Even when the child grows up, separates from the family, begins to celebrate his holiday not with dad and mom, but with friends, for parents this holiday does not end. It is eternal.
It is very important to bring up a child so that when he grows up, he himself always first of all congratulates his mother on his birthday and thanks for the fact that she gave him life, warmth and love. And this will be in the event that the father of the family will show the child such an example.
How to congratulate the mother of a birthday child
The main thing, of course, is not to forget to congratulate the mother of the birthday boy with sincere words. You can say congratulations to her in person, call her or write a message. A child's birthday is a great occasion to once again thank mom for giving birth and raising such a wonderful, honest, intelligent and decent person, to say how much you love her child and value him. For her, these words will be the most invaluable for which one wants to live. Your sincere congratulations will prove that she did everything right and was right in everything. It is not at all necessary to give her a gift, although this is always welcome, and if there is such an opportunity, give the child's mother at least a bouquet of delicate flowers.
It will be good if the father of the family brings a charming bouquet to mother on this day, as then - during discharge from the hospital. The main gift for mom on this beautiful day is the congratulations and gratitude of her beloved child. This is where the child must give mom a gift. It is best if it is something made with your own hands: a drawing, a craft, a poem, a song, and so on. Do not forget, dear children, that your mother is the only one and the other will never be!