The anniversary is far from an ordinary event, but the mother-in-law's anniversary is also an occasion to show sincere respect for the husband's mother, who did the most important thing for her daughter-in-law: she gave birth to and raised a wonderful spouse for her. It is necessary to prepare for this celebration in advance, since the embodiment of a good idea for congratulations always requires a margin of time.

Step 1
Come up with a bright and kind congratulation, regardless of what relationship you are with your mother-in-law. After all, this anniversary is a holiday, and the holidays should make you happy. And even in a "cool" relationship, he is a reason to show your mother-in-law that you absolutely respect and appreciate her.
Step 2
Come up with a funny surprise prank congratulation if you are in a very warm relationship. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the mother-in-law really has a good sense of humor, otherwise an innocent prank threatens to develop into a long-term resentment.
Step 3
Invite artists from the holiday agency to present a piece of celebration relevant to the anniversary as a congratulatory message. Despite the fact that the idea of inviting a clown or a comedian seems childish, it will also be a wonderful congratulation, which will remind the mother-in-law that we are still children at heart, and age has no power over us. Kind and funny contests will cheer up the hero of the day and guests.
Step 4
Say out loud and simple words of congratulations. Try to show a sense of tact, neither with a gift, nor with words remind you of how old the birthday girl has already turned.
Step 5
Refuse the "youth" surprises: skateboarding, invitations to a nightclub, although here you need to take into account the question of what age your husband's mother is or what tricks she is capable of unusual for her peers. It all depends on the mother-in-law's lifestyle, because in some cases a gift certificate for a parachute jump will be an ideal gift and congratulation.
Step 6
Prepare a congratulation with the invitation of the birthday girl and guests to an expensive restaurant, presenting a purely symbolic gift. The main gift will be that this festive banquet will be paid for by you.
Step 7
Present the mother-in-law for the anniversary with a golden set, about which she was afraid to dream and once casually dropped a word about it in a conversation. Jewelry will delight any woman, so she will certainly gladly accept your gift.
Step 8
Use another option for a traditional gift: present your mother-in-law with expensive high-quality leather goods for the anniversary. A beautiful and convenient handbag, purse and other not cheap and pleasant little things for a woman of any age.
Step 9
Present the woman who raised your beloved and loving husband for you a ticket for a trip to a sanatorium or a small resort if she is a lover of travel. New vivid impressions will excite a passion for life in the birthday girl and make her look differently at familiar things.
Step 10
Make your own album with a selection of photos in honor of your mother-in-law's anniversary or a large wall newspaper, as in the days of her youth. Place kind photographs, drawings, congratulations from family and friends in a wall newspaper or album. Use lots of funny pictures and images with captions. No mother-in-law can resist such attention from her daughter-in-law.