Spring is the time to wake up after a long winter sleep. This is the time of purity of human relationships and youth, when not only nature but also passion flourishes. Among other things, spring is also the time for flowers that are given to dear people. This sign of attention causes the greatest delight in the beautiful half of humanity. The girl's reaction to the presented bouquet will largely depend on what kind of flowers were chosen for her.

Perhaps each young lady has her own taste and individual preferences, as well as a list of those flower varieties that they do not like. In order not to get into a mess and not to present the young lady with flowers to which she has an antipathy, it is necessary to study her taste in advance. You can simplify the task and go for flowers with your chosen one. She will point out the bouquet she liked, and the young man will buy it. It should be remembered that the attitude towards flowers can be formed not only from taste preferences, but also from past associations. From the list of purchased flowers, it is necessary to forever exclude those that can, one way or another, awaken sadness or unpleasant memories in a girl's soul. Flowers should give rise to feelings opposite to these. The most common flower options for women and girls are carnations, gladioli, roses, and sometimes lilies. The latter should be presented with caution, as they evoke unpleasant associations in someone. If the girl is supportive of this type of flowers, feel free to present them to her. But keep in mind that it is better to store lilies at night on the balcony, since in a confined space the aroma they exude is not very favorable, and it may cause dizziness or headache. The most expensive sign of attention is roses, which are liked by most women and girls. On the one hand, the presentation of these flowers is a generally accepted gift, on the other hand, it is an indicator that the donor does not save and does not stint in an effort to please someone. Carnations are a less expensive option, but they are beautiful and exude a pleasant scent. Most often, these flowers are presented to teachers, class teachers, regardless of what gender and age they are. In early spring, snowdrops will be a wonderful gift for your beloved. Many legends and romantic stories are associated with these flowers. Such a gift as a bunch of snowdrops will give the girl pleasure and give a good mood.