A wedding is an important and responsible step for newlyweds, which implies a lot of trouble and problems. One of them is the search for a restaurant suitable for the celebration, however, finding a suitable place is quite simple, especially when it comes to restaurants in the capital of Ukraine.

Step 1
Decide on the number of guests and relatives invited, as well as the amount that you are willing to spend on the celebration. If we are talking about a small party with a small number of people, you can rent a small restaurant with reasonable prices, so you can save a certain amount of money. But if you, even by the most conservative estimates, expect more than fifty guests, it is better to think about a more spacious and, accordingly, more expensive option.
Step 2
Check the list of restaurants available in Kiev. This can be done using the Internet, for example, the Gorod.kiev.ua website offers users fairly accurate information about all enterprises (including restaurants) currently registered in the capital of Ukraine. You can also use the services of the information and reference service "Ukrtelecom", for this it is enough, being in Kiev, to call 170.
Step 3
Choose the restaurant that suits you the most, specify its address and telephone number. Then contact the administrator and discuss the possibility of holding a wedding. Together, form the menu of the future holiday and the seating scheme for the guests. Make sure that the total cost of restaurant services (cooking, table setting, service, etc.) does not exceed your planned budget. You can negotiate with the restaurant to purchase your own products for the gala evening and thereby reduce your costs.
Step 4
Visit the restaurant with the prospective host. Think over possible contests and games so that guests are comfortable participating in them, and so that they do not sit still for a long time. The toastmaster should be well versed in the territory of the restaurant, and know the personnel serving the wedding in person, so it will be easier for him and you.