The artist Pablo Picasso lived for almost a century, having painted many paintings. His works became examples of "contemporary art" and a guide for authors of subsequent generations. Taken together and arranged chronologically, they are like a book with a fascinating storyline. Several paragraphs from this creative novel can be seen in the northern capital of Russia in June …

250 rubles for a ticket (for students and pensioners - 150 rubles)
Step 1
Attend the opening of Pablo Picasso's "Paragraphs" exhibition on June 7 at 7 pm. The exposition was housed in the St. Petersburg Art Center in Perinnye Ryadi at 4 Dumskaya Street (Nevsky Prospekt metro station).
Step 2
See an exhibition of several dozen famous lithographs created in the style of Cubism, avant-garde, surrealism and more. These works are provided to the gallery by collectors from around the world. For the first time in our country, rare works of the "blue" and "pink" periods, which appeared in the framework of Les bleus de Barcelone, and calligraphic images of bullfighting from the cycle "Toros and Toreros" are demonstrated.
Step 3
Pay attention to the history of the creation of the large-scale painting "Guernica" in more than 30 sketches of the artist. Find out more about the bombing of Guernica, a small but very important town for the Basque people. The Germans and Italians destroyed Guernica in 1937. Impressed by these events, Pablo Picasso created a huge painting for two months, which was then brought to the Spanish Republican Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris.
Step 4
If you missed the opening of the exhibition, come to the gallery any day before October 15, 2012 from 11 am to 9 pm (ticket offices close at 20.30). Pay 250 rubles for a ticket. Students and pensioners are given a discount - for them tickets are 100 rubles cheaper.
Step 5
Find out more about the exhibition at Leave your opinion about the exposition by taking part in the voting on the website. You can also write an e-mail to the organizers at [email protected] or call 8-904-601-00-00.