How To Set A Wedding Table

How To Set A Wedding Table
How To Set A Wedding Table

Table of contents:


The setting of the wedding table is the first thing that catches the eye of tired and hungry guests who accompanied the young all the first half of the day, from the moment the bride was bought out until the hour of arrival at the restaurant. A beautifully laid wedding table will allow guests to feel the significance of the celebration and create an atmosphere of a grand celebration.

How to set a wedding table
How to set a wedding table


Step 1

Use a white tablecloth for the table. It can be openwork, with patterns or with a light pastel shade. Place a cotton cloth under the tablecloth, then the tablecloth will lie flat, will not roll, and the clink of the tableware will be muffled. The length of the tablecloth should not be lower than the chair.

Step 2

Arrange the napkins beautifully on the table. They should be starched and folded so that the guest can easily unfold it. Napkins can be folded or shaped like a flower; the main thing is that all napkins should be folded in the same way.

Step 3

In the center of the table, you can choose from either a fruit bowl or a bouquet of flowers. Since the petals of fresh flowers tend to fall off, in order to avoid getting them on the dishes, it is recommended to leave the flowers to decorate the room, and designate the center of the table with a fruit composition. The fruit bowl should be no more than 20 cm in height, otherwise it will obstruct the guests.

Step 4

For tableware, use earthenware, crystal and porcelain dishes. Crystal is suitable for wine glasses and glasses, porcelain dishes are ideal for snack plates, and earthenware retains heat well, so it is used for hot dishes.

Step 5

On a white tablecloth, dishes made in the same color scheme go well. It is best if you prepare several sets of one service. The color of the dishes is not so important - any color scheme plays beautifully on a white background. But for a wedding, opt for pastel shades, gold or silver.

Step 6

Decorate the glasses with gold sequins, and tie their legs with a white satin ribbon. To do this, buy a jar of glitter (usually sold with nail polish), double-sided tape, and 1.5 meters of satin ribbon. Cut out a thin strip of duct tape, glue it in the center of the glass and tie a small satin bow on its leg. Sprinkle the glitter onto the tape and press down with a napkin until it adheres well. You can make such a decoration of wine glasses for all guests, which will pleasantly surprise them!

Step 7

Calculate the correct number of products per guest. Usually, the wedding assortment of dishes looks like this: 150 g each of any two salads, 200 g of a side dish, 150-200 g of meat or fish, 70 g of a hot snack (julienne, for example), 100 g of a cold snack, a piece of cake 200 g and fruits up to 250 g …

Step 8

Tableware is also designed for these dishes. A flat plate for salad and snacks is placed for the guest (2 cm from the edge of the table), to the left of it is a dessert plate for sauces, bread or butter. Place a fork to the left of the flat plate and a knife to the right. Place a glass for vodka and a glass for water near the knife, and on the left are champagne glasses and a glass for wine.

Step 9

All dishes on the table should be arranged in the correct proportion - so that every guest can taste and reach any dish. Each guest must occupy at least 70 cm of space at the table.
