The buffet is a festive banquet when all invited guests are drinking and eating while standing. The peculiarity of this type of organization of a festive event is that guests spend more time communicating with each other than drinking and eating. In contrast to the traditional feast, the buffet table is more democratic. Such events are organized when, in a limited time, it is necessary to receive a significant number of guests.

Step 1
Cover the buffet tables with banquet tablecloths so that the ends around the table hang down the same way, about 5-10 cm from the floor. Turn the corners of the tablecloth from the end sides inward and fasten the ends to the sides, forming a right angle.
Step 2
The buffet menu consists of a varied assortment of snacks. You can include hot second courses, such as turkey or whole fried pig. Cut the meat into small slices without disturbing the shape of the carcass. This dish is eaten using a snack plate and snack cutlery. Make all snacks in small portions so that they are convenient to eat while standing with a single fork.
Step 3
Place snacks in the center of the buffet table, along the edges - stacks of plates, cutlery and glasses for alcoholic and soft drinks.
Step 4
Arrange the dishes so that they are available to all guests who have already put snacks in their plates and for those who are just about to do so.
Step 5
There should be enough plates and wine glasses so that you do not go for additional dishes, but calmly communicate with friends.
Step 6
The main part of the snacks are small sandwiches - canapes, meat balls or small cutlets, salads, small pancakes with different fillings, tomatoes, cucumbers, small pies, pickled mushrooms.
Step 7
Be sure to have meat kebabs on your table, seafood and fish on small skewers, mushrooms baked in sour cream in julienne dishes.
Step 8
Choose alcoholic drinks for the table to your liking - it can be cognac, vodka, whiskey and dry wine.
Step 9
From soft drinks, put: mineral water, liter boxes of juices, cola.
Step 10
Organize fruit and dessert serving. Cut the finished honey cake into small cubes and stick a toothpick into each cube.
Step 11
Prepare the required number of paper napkins and waste bins where guests can throw a napkin or half-eaten piece.