The decoration of the hall is perhaps one of the most important stages in preparing for an unforgettable celebration. The venue for the celebration is determined by the volume of the entertainment program, the number of guests and the style of the celebration. The hall shouldn't be too big. It is best to place festive tables in one half of the room, and to hold games, contests and dances in the other. After finding a suitable place for the celebration, you need to give it a festive look.

Step 1
To decorate the hall, the organizer of the holiday is invited, who must be fully responsible for the distribution of guests, the time of the celebration, the musical accompaniment of the ceremony.
Step 2
Best of all, if the wedding takes place in a restaurant or cafe. The entrance to the wedding hall can be completely covered with garlands of balloons painted with greetings. The groom, as a true knight and gentleman, must cut his way through the balls and carry his bride into the hall in his arms, where relatives and friends meet them.
Step 3
In the part of the room where dances and other entertainment are held, a slideshow is made, which shows the childhood and adolescence of the bride and groom with comic or philosophical comments. You can do this using previously prepared discs with recorded photos.
Step 4
There are several options for decorating the wall for the newlyweds:
1) interlaced balloon arch;
2) a bouquet of balloons under the ceiling, from which multi-colored ribbons are lowered to the table of the bride and groom;
3) decor from multi-colored tulle on the whole wall;
4) according to ancient Christian custom and with the consent of the owners, icons decorated with folk embroidery are strengthened on the wall;
5) two large wreaths made of flowers superimposed on one another - this is the symbol of wedding rings.
Other walls of the hall can be decorated with posters with comic drawings, flowers depicting doves, rings and hearts.
Step 5
The organizer of the celebration usually advises the hosts to seat guests according to their interests. A balloon with the name of the guest is attached to each chair. The chairs are decorated with tulle, the color of which matches the color of the bride's dress, train, shoes.
Step 6
The most charming decoration is the festive table, for which the hostess is fully responsible. Delight in the memory of guests will be left with an abundance of fruit: skillfully made flowers from watermelons, grapes, kiwi, apples, etc.
Step 7
At weddings, you can also use non-standard decorations of the festive hall. But this requires an agreement with the toastmaster, because the entire wedding must be carried out according to the style of decorations. For example, if a toastmaster, waiters, musicians and even guests wear national costumes, the walls are decorated with appropriate attributes.
Step 8
The first dance of the bride and groom can be decorated in a special way. The dance floor is decorated with flowers in the shape of a heart. The farewell dance of the newlyweds should be held there, but instead of fresh flowers - garlands.