The wedding ceremony is rooted in the mists of time. Probably, even in primitive society there was some kind of ceremonial for this occasion, most likely simple and unpretentious. Times are changing, and so are customs. Nowadays, the bride, as a rule, is not expected near the registry office or the church, but much has survived, although it has simply turned into a rite, a tradition.

Step 1
The bride and groom arrive at the temple (or in the registry office) separately, accompanied by each of their parents and girlfriends - so tradition commands. Compliance with it is now not considered mandatory. In most cases, the groom and his friends come to the bride's house and redeem her, and then everyone goes to the registry office or to church. As a rule, now the groom himself is involved in the ransom ceremony.
Step 2
Come to the bride's house and start "bargaining" with her bridesmaids. Many things can appear as a ransom, each region has its own "chips" - it can be money, alcohol, gingerbread. The type of redemption depends on the fantasy of the bridesmaids. The main condition is humor and fiction.
Step 3
The ransom ceremony has a great sacred meaning - the groom must prove his qualities, that is, intelligence, dexterity, strength. Be smart: while your comrades distract the girlfriends with bargaining, try to steal the bride.
Step 4
When the bride is redeemed, take her to the registry office. Some newlyweds prefer to travel in different cars, paying tribute to long-standing traditions. But if you go together, nothing terrible will happen, in the end, this is your day and you decide how to spend it.
Step 5
After the wedding ceremony, guests sprinkle you with grain, sweets, flower petals and coins. It is believed that this will bring wealth and happiness to the new family.
Step 6
The wedding traditionally takes place in the possession of the groom, but now the newlyweds prefer to celebrate this day outside the walls of the house. In order not to break long-standing traditions, you can invite guests to your home, for example, to relax and get ready for a celebration.
Step 7
Guests are greeted at the entrance to the venue. Your mother (or mother-in-law) brings a loaf on a towel, that is, an embroidered towel. After that, you and your wife take a bite of bread each without using your hands. It is believed that whoever bites off a larger piece will dominate the house.