Graduating from school is a holiday for a recent student. He successfully coped with the first stage of education, and from that day he enters into adulthood, learns to overcome obstacles and looks for his place. Do something nice for your child - congratulate him on this important event.

Step 1
Perhaps you know what gift your child is dreaming of - a new laptop, a trip abroad, a stylish gadget, or funds for training in a summer dance school. Make his dream come true. Moreover, the reason for this is very weighty - your child has done a great job for eleven years.
Step 2
Set up a party table in honor of your son or daughter. Let your child's favorite dishes be on the table. You can also decorate the room, for example, draw a poster on a Whatman paper, hang balloons. Invite relatives or friends of your graduate if you are on good terms with them. And, of course, as many warm words as possible should be said to the yesterday's student. Let your child know that you are proud of him.
Step 3
After graduation, your child will probably go to a university, which may be located in another city. In any case, he will have less time to see you. Why not take advantage of the last summer and celebrate his secondary education with a family vacation, while the former student has not yet been captured by a wave of admission? It can be either a trip to the old European capital, or a hike that you take with the whole family.
Step 4
Perhaps your child has already decided on his future profession. Show that you approve of his choice. During school, the student was safe, he did not need to think about the future or solve difficult problems. Now he desperately needs your support. If the applicant needs any special tools - canvases and brushes for an artist, a tool for a musician, a white coat for a doctor - purchase these things. Talk to a former student about his specialty, praise his choice, ask what exactly he plans to do. Support and approval of the path of life is the best gift for a young girl or young man to graduate from school.