Every year in England at the end of May, an original competition is held - "cheese races". Many people gather in the small village of Brockworth in Gloucestershire to take part in this unforgettable and distinctive show.

It is necessary
- - documents for visa processing;
- - access to the Internet;
- - travel agency services.
Step 1
The competition is held on the last Monday in May. A head of cheese rolls down the hill, after which thousands of people rush after it in pursuit. The winner is the one who first catches up with her. No tickets or other permits are required to participate in the Cheese Race. It should be borne in mind that the authorities have repeatedly banned this competition, as many people are injured during it. Nevertheless, even in case of a ban, the event still takes place - albeit unofficially. At the foot of the hill, doctors are always on duty, providing assistance to the injured.
Step 2
To become part of the Cheese Race, first of all decide how you will get to England. You can use the services of a travel agency or travel privately. In the first case, you will have less hassle with obtaining a visa, since this will be the responsibility of a travel agency. If you decide to travel on your own, apply for a visa at one of the UK consulates. They are located on the territory of the Russian Federation at the following addresses: pl. Proletarian Dictatorship 5, St. Petersburg, 193214, tel. (812) 3203200; Smolenskaya embankment, 10, Moscow, 121099, tel. 9567200; Bolshaya Sadovaya 10-12, Rostov-on-Don, 344008, tel. (8632) 676877. Addresses and telephones of consular missions in Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok and Novorossiysk can be found on the Internet.
Step 3
Make sure to book your hotel room in advance, this is also required for obtaining a visa. Please note that due to the influx of tourists during the cheese fights, there may be big problems with finding accommodation. Suitable accommodation options can be found on the websites of travel agencies.
Step 4
Directly from Moscow to Gloucester you can only get by train. To choose the most convenient route, go to the site "Routes.ru". Click on the link "Schedule, tickets", enter in the proposed fields the name of the point of departure (for example, "Moscow"), as well as the destination ("Gloucester"). After checking the boxes of the necessary types of transport, set the date of departure and click the "Find" button. If you want to use air transport, check the most optimal route option on the airlines' websites.