The modern rhythm of life takes a lot of energy from us. And it is necessary to replenish the reserve of strength and, as a rule, in just one day off. How to ensure quality rest for yourself and your family in such conditions? There are several principles, following which, you have every chance to have a great rest in one day.

Step 1
Above all, remember that good rest is a change of activity. Judge for yourself - after a working week and communicating with a large number of people, most likely, you will no longer want to visit or receive them at your place. In this case, going out into nature or watching good films will be more appropriate. It is useful for a person leading a sedentary lifestyle at work to move, and a child after a week of school hours will like to work with his hands.
Step 2
Create the conditions for relaxation in advance. Tune in for a day off from the evening. Try to do everyday activities (washing and cleaning) evenly throughout the work week.
Step 3
Think about what a well-spent weekend means to you. The concept of leisure can be very different even among members of the same family. Therefore, ask loved ones their opinions on this matter, and then make an appropriate list.
Step 4
Based on this list, make a detailed list of specific activities for the weekend (family trips to exhibitions and picnics, dances, thematic feasts with competitions, watching interesting films, drawing, etc.).
Step 5
Break down the list by category:
• activities at home (if the weather is bad outside) / activities with leaving the house, • requiring material costs / not requiring, • what you can do together with your spouse, with children, all together / what you can do alone, etc.
Step 6
Think over several options for spending the weekend, in case something goes wrong.
Step 7
Write down the phone numbers and opening hours of the nearest cinemas, ski resorts, skating rinks, swimming pools, billiards, bowling alleys, video rentals, libraries, etc. in the organizer.
Step 8
Check your city's posters regularly. This way you will not miss interesting events that you have long dreamed of attending.
Step 9
And, of course, learn to be content and enjoy what you have right now! So, the main secret of a successful weekend is planning ahead. In fact, it won't take long to get ready for the perfect weekend, but in the coming weekend you will certainly notice that the rest was a success.