New Year is a holiday that you want to spend with pleasure. They say that as you meet the year, you will spend it. Therefore, the holiday must be planned in advance. At the same time, it is important not to offend the mistress of the year. 2015 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Goat or Sheep.

What kind of beast is this?
2015 is the year of the Wood Goat. According to one theory, this is a blue goat, and according to another green. This animal is distinguished by its naivety and trust. It is worth noting that the animal is herd. It is important that goats are widespread outside the city, in villages. It is from these facts that it is worth starting from when preparing the holiday.
Where to celebrate?
It will be best if the holiday takes place exactly where the sheep used to live - outside the city. Then it will certainly be possible to seize good luck for the whole year by the tail. You can rent a house with a sauna. In big cities, it is better to think about this in advance, since on New Year's Eve it is almost impossible to find a vacant house at a normal price.
The second option for the venue of the holiday can be a recreation center. Some tourist centers offer not only rooms, but also guest houses for 6-12 people. The plus is that any recreation center for the New Year holidays offers an extensive entertainment program. It will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children to watch and participate in it.
If there is no way to go out of town, then you need to find a good company. It is important not to forget that the goat is a very gullible and naive animal. Therefore, it is better to celebrate surrounded by the closest and dearest people.
It is not advisable to celebrate this holiday alone. Therefore, another option could be going to a party or club.
New Year is a reason to relax not only inside the country. You can also have a good rest abroad with your family. But it is important to remember that Catholic countries celebrate Christmas, and after the holiday in such European cities there is a weekend. So don't plan on visiting attractions and museums. They will be closed.