Although the birthday happens once a year, it is repeated regularly. To make it unforgettable and inimitable, you need to dream up well. What is acceptable for family and friends, is not always understood by a work colleague. Therefore, when choosing an original congratulation, one should be guided by the appropriateness, personal preferences of the hero of the occasion and his sense of humor.

If you have a strong desire to please a loved one for your birthday, you can seriously prepare by using human resources, personal connections, social networks, or resorting to the help of a professional agency for organizing holidays.
Congratulations draw for friends
By agreement with the elevator operator (if there is one in the birthday person's house), it is possible to organize getting stuck in the elevator, but the hero of the occasion should not suffer from claustrophobia. And if it also boasts a stable nervous system, then the light can be turned off. It is worth rescuing the poor fellow with a large group of friends and relatives with photographs of a surprised face, with joyful exclamations or songs, with balloons and flowers.
If there is a familiar tow truck driver, and the "victim" has a car (preferably more expensive), then it is a sin not to use the services of special equipment. The birthday man's car is being taken in an unknown direction. And when the car owner's panic reaches the highest limit, you can safely drive up even in a carriage with horses, even in a limousine full of cheerful friends and a solid bar.
This creative way to wish a friend a happy birthday is only suitable if the birthday person has strong nerves. If you have acquaintances of traffic police officers, you can ask them for a service to help in the drawing. The birthday man's car is stopped on the road with the wording that it is being stolen. The driver goes into the official transport of inspectors for investigation, and in the meantime, for example, a dummy of drugs or whatever he wants is put into the trunk. The trunk is checked, shocked by its contents, played out, rolled up and escorted in handcuffs to the place of celebration.
Quest for relatives with the involvement of people unfamiliar to the birthday boy
This is a laborious congratulation that requires thorough preparation: thorough thinking over the script so that it coincides with the plans for the hero of the occasion, printing assignments, hiding notes in the necessary places, attracting strangers and unfamiliar people. The idea is that the birthday person receives an assignment in the morning with an action plan and an indication of the place where to look for the next note. So from instruction to instruction, he is matched to a gift and a fun feast.
Dance song flash mob
This action is started where the congratulated person will definitely be: a metro station, a bus stop, work, etc. In social networks, a cry is thrown in advance and those wishing to help the idea gather. A cheerleader-choreographer is chosen, who finds the music, provides it on the spot and comes up with easy-to-repeat movements. The birthday boy, according to the idea, without knowing it, gets into the crowd of people moving in sync, who, at the end of the flash mob, unanimously congratulate him on his birthday and give a gift.