One of the brightest holidays of the year is Christmas. On this day, as on most holidays, many people expect a miracle. And the one who believes in its possibility will always wait. Well, to help miracles find you - make a wish.

Step 1
The ideal would be to wish something in the Temple, but if you are unable to go to the service, do not be discouraged. At home, you can also ask heaven for the cherished. Since the Nativity of Christ is a bright, Orthodox holiday, think before you wish anything. In no case should your desire harm anyone. Yes, and it is better not to think about material goods, especially if this is a thing without which you can live. Focus on spiritual desires, family relationships. You can ask for the birth of a child, because Christmas is perfect for this.
Step 2
The most important time for Christmas is Christmas Eve. That is, the night from 6 to 7 January. It was at this time that Jesus Christ was born. This night is magical. If you have something to ask, go outside and make a wish, looking at the sky. Pray to the Father, ask him to help you. It is best to make wishes that concern you personally. However, you can also ask someone close to you for healing.
Step 3
Draw an angel and cut it out of paper. Draw one eye for him and make a wish. As soon as you see that your desire has begun to come true, finish drawing the second eye. Hide the figurine and do not show it to anyone.
Step 4
On the afternoon of January 7, light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, think about your desire, once again turn to heaven with a request to fulfill it. Light a red candle in the house and let it burn out to the end. Try to devote this evening and night of Christmas to your thoughts of fulfilling your desire. On Christmas, the brightest and kindest wishes will surely be heard in heaven. If you do not think anything bad, dishonest, you will definitely be heard, and soon your wishes will come true.