Jokes, jokes, pranks are an integral part of friendly communication. And not only on April 1st Day of Laughter. But not every person will enjoy being the object of a joke. This will bring genuine joy to someone, it will cause annoyance in another, and it will simply offend the third. Moreover, pranks are different, even on the verge of mockery, because sometimes the sense of proportion changes to jokers.

Step 1
Overcome your shyness, frankly explain to fans of practical jokes that you do not like jokes in any form. Remember that people are not telepathic, they cannot guess for themselves about your dislike.
Step 2
Say, “It hurts and hurts me a lot. It's fun for you, heartache for me! Please stop your pranks! After all, jokers may not even suspect that their actions cause such a reaction. They are sincerely sure: as a result of the rally, they felt fun, well, then others experience exactly the same feelings! Real friends, having heard such words, will certainly draw the necessary conclusions and refrain from practical jokes in the future. Even if in the depths of their souls they feel bewilderment: can a funny joke really hurt someone, offend?
Step 3
If, for some reason, “it didn’t make it,” and the draws continue, you can resort to a more impressive method. Make it clear to your friends that you are offended by them. Refrain from meeting, do not accept invitations, and do not invite them to your home yourself. Limit yourself to communication by phone or email, and as briefly as the rules of decency allow.
Step 4
Conduct conversations and correspondence in a polite, but dispassionate, restrained tone, as if you were communicating on official business with a completely stranger who, moreover, does not cause any positive emotions in you. This will surely alert friends and make them think about the question: what happened? It is then that your request to refrain from practical jokes will pop up in their minds.
Step 5
Well, even if this did not lead to the desired result, then it’s time to think: do you need such friends who don’t give a damn about your requests and mental health. As a last resort, you can simply warn that joking may end your friendship.