The homeland of the cucumber is India, where this vegetable began to be cultivated 7 thousand years ago. But despite this, the idea of introducing the celebration of International Cucumber Day belongs to the Russians.

The Slavs got acquainted with a vegetable called cucumber only 700 years ago, and judging by the number of recipes for cooking cucumber dishes, as well as by the numerous varieties of this vegetable, it is safe to say that the cucumber acquired the status of a national product.
Date of the day of the cucumber
For more than 10 years in the city of Suzdal, cucumber has been praised, paying tribute to it during its ripening period. Traditionally, the date of the International Cucumber Day is July 19 and the next weekend to this date. As a rule, the holding of this holiday marks a festivities, in which not only local residents and invited guests from nearby settlements take part, but also numerous foreign tourists who celebrate the day of the cucumber with great pleasure with everyone.
They begin to prepare for the holiday in spring, carefully choosing varieties and seeds of cucumbers, and then the size of the fruit and the saturation of color. At the exhibition, this vegetable is presented in huge quantities, ranging from tiny gherkins and zelents and ending with "babaks", which are shown in the form of figurines of birds and animals. On the stands you can see cucumber jam, fried cucumber slices, as well as lightly salted cucumbers prepared according to numerous homemade recipes.
How is the day of the cucumber
As a rule, the day of the celebration of the cucumber opens at 11 in the afternoon, and the Cucumber Rassolovich is the main character throughout the weekend. Cucumber is presented not only in the form of fresh fruits and dishes with this vegetable, but also in the form of funny handicrafts made from various natural materials. Locals are happy to demonstrate funny scenes with the participation of a cucumber, and they are also happy to dress up in a costume of this vegetable.
Also, traditionally at the festival, an extensive program of performances by local groups is presented, which not only glorify the famous vegetable, but also reveal all the wealth of Slavic folklore before the eyes of their guests. The variety of entertainment presented can please the taste of any guest, be it a child or a foreigner, there are carousels and funny games, as well as prize draws and an abundance of treats.
The holiday ends on Sunday at the end of the day by raising the hero of the occasion - a cucumber in the sky on balloons, thus, cucumber admirers say goodbye to him until next year and invite him to visit again.