All young couples who are going down the aisle dream of living happily ever after in marriage. Therefore, the bride and groom attach great importance to the chosen wedding date. I would like the day to be not only sunny and without precipitation, but also favorable in all respects. That is why the date is chosen in advance, taking into account all kinds of conditions, including weather. psychological and even astrological.

Step 1
You can calculate a favorable date for your own wedding on specialized astrology sites on the Internet. To do this, you need to enter the year, month and date of birth of the bride and groom, their names and the approximate month in which the younger ones would like to arrange their celebration. As a rule, the astrological calendar gives the optimal dates for several months in advance. Some astrologers advise combining this method with the lunar calendar in order to see in what sign of the zodiac the moon will be on the day of the proposed marriage (marriage).
Step 2
If you are interested in an auspicious date for your own wedding, not from the point of view of astrology, turn to everyday worries. First, check with your relatives if the days of mourning in your family are in the month when you are going to play the wedding. This day should be associated only with a joyful event, and not with the anniversary of the death of a great uncle. Then ask the main invitees if they can attend. This is especially true for those who organize a wedding in the summer, during the holiday season, or on major Russian holidays, such as New Year's or May's. Finally, roughly estimate what the weather should be in your area on the day of the celebration. Look at the long-term forecast, remember whether it was rainy or cold at the same time in previous years.
Step 3
Consider the traditions of your religion when planning your wedding. If you are a Christian and are going to get married after the wedding in the registry office, remember that you cannot do this during Lent. And, as you know, there are more fast days per year than non-fast days, so a favorable date from the point of view of the church must be chosen ahead of time, armed with a church calendar. Lent lasts the longest (from Maslenitsa to Easter), so you can immediately forget about the wedding in March-April. The easiest way is to choose the optimal date together with the priest. Most likely, he will propose a non-fasting day, which is also the day of some significant Orthodox saint. This saint will later become the guardian of your marriage.
Step 4
If you do not observe the dogmas of Christianity, but believe in signs, refer to them. In Russia, it has long been believed that the best time for weddings is early autumn. For those who got married in September, popular rumor promised a calm and joyful life. But it was not recommended to marry in May in order "not to suffer all my life." From other signs: a wedding in June promises a long marriage, in July - a lot of joys and sorrows "in one bottle." One of the signs of the new time is that, if possible, you need to marry on dates with the same numbers. For example, 11. 11. 2011. However, the experience of previous years shows that according to all-Russian statistics, many couples who got married on such days have already divorced.
Step 5
Astrologers strongly advise against getting married on the day of the lunar eclipse. But marriages played "on the growing moon", on the contrary, are considered successful. If on the appointed date the moon is in the sign of Pisces, Taurus, Sagittarius or Gemini, this is a very good sign for the future life of the spouses. Finding the moon in all other signs of the zodiac can be the reason for a failed union, astrology adherents say.